Last updated 4 years ago
The adoption of Cardano blockchain is impeded without tools for digital sovereignty, identity management, secure data sharing & el. signing.
DApp to manage your personal data & verifiable credentials in a way that you are in centre, own your data and control access to information.
This is the total amount allocated to ReCheck.Me.
DApp to manage your personal data & verifiable credentials in a way that you are in centre, own your data and control access to information.
Four and a half years in the development of blockchain solutions, multiple awards, tens of implemented projects, pilots for Dutch Ministry.
Our plan is to leverage already developed software components supporting executing transactions on Ethereum and to migrate and adapt these components to Cardano. We have built a mobile app for managing decentralised identity and authentication that can be reviewed here - . The grant will be used to extend it with key functionalities supporting verifiable credentials in the context of self-sovereign identity. Furthermore, we will implement the W3C standards for Decentralised Identifiers (DiD) and Verifiable Credentials (VCs). All software components and dApp will be managed as an open-source project and it will be available to Cardano community to accelerate the adoption of Cardano tools and dApps. Furthermore, the resources will be used to improve the UI and UX of the mobile app, intensive testing with users from Cardano community and iterative improvements based on the received feedback. As a result, the Cardano ecosystem will have on their disposal open source tools for registering data on Cardano blockchain, secure sharing of the files and certification via electronic signatures. The solution will be aligned with the concept of self-sovereign identity and digital sovereignty.
40000Four and a half years in the development of blockchain solutions, multiple awards, tens of implemented projects, pilots for Dutch Ministry.