Last updated 4 years ago
Litter. It's everywhere and it's awful for the earth/wildlife. Few people volunteer to clean it, but what if anyone could get paid to do it?
A simple DApp that enables peer to peer litter collection using photos, timestamps, and a bounty payment system.
This is the total amount allocated to TrashApp.
A simple DApp that enables peer to peer litter collection using photos, timestamps, and a bounty payment system.
Owned and operated several small businesses in real estate and e-commerce. Leveraging partners/collaborators experience in DApp development.
Peer to peer litter collection. Person A takes a photo of litter located in a public space and sets a bounty price that they would pay to have someone clean it up. Person B can search for bounties, go and clean the litter, and take a photo of the cleaned area. Cardano is used to timestamp the metadata correlated with the photos, essentially being used as proof that at that time that spot is clean. Independent auditors get paid a small portion of the bounty to go through and verify the photos of clean spots, and once verified person B gets paid.
Next time you're taking a walk down the street, hiking by a river, or sunbathing on a beach, try and keep track of how many pieces of litter you see. In most densely populated areas around the world you probably won't be able keep count. What's worse is that it's usually plastics, too. This trash gets into our rivers, lakes and oceans, breaks down and slowly destroys ecosystems all over the planet.
On top of the ecological devastation it's also incredibly unsightly. No one enjoys seeing their neighborhood cluttered with litter, or taking a walk in a forest and noticing miscellaneous pieces of bottles, cans, containers, plastics, Styrofoams, etc. on every path.
Having a trust-less, convenient way to pay someone to clean up around your neighborhood or sign up and get paid to go out and collect trash whenever could solve this problem that almost everyone in the world has to deal with. (aside from those lucky enough to live in countries with functional governments like Germany and Singapore)
TrashApp is a geographic database which allows users to create or collect "trash bounties" using photos, timestamped metadata transactions on the Cardano blockchain, and ADA as the peer to peer payment system.
TrashApp will allow anyone with time to get paid for cleaning up litter by 'collecting bounties' and anyone with money but no time to pay someone to clean up a specified area by 'creating bounties'. A portion of the funds used to pay the bounty go to auditors. Anyone can hop on the app and audit the submissions from the bounty collectors or 'Trash Hunters'. Each submitted bounty must be audited by 3 separate and randomly chosen auditors, needing at least 2/3 to be approved for payout.
For example, here are hypothetical instructions for the potential finished product:
1. Download TrashApp
2. Select between 'Create a Bounty' or 'Go TrashHunting' or 'audit submissions'
Creating a Bounty:
1. Allowing TrashApp access to your devices camera, take a photo of the area containing the trash/litter you would like cleaned. (you cannot upload a photo from your device)
2. Select the amount of ADA you would like to pay someone to clean the specified area and enter the geolocation of the area.
3. Provide the wallet address you will be sending the ADA from.
4. Confirm your bounty info (photo, price, address, geolocation)
5. Send the specified amount of ADA to the TrashApp smart contract address. (once received, the smart contract will connect the transaction to the metadata of the selected photo, effectively proving that at that time there was indeed litter in that area.
6. Wait. (the smart contract will hold your ADA for a set time, or until someone collects the bounty. If no one collects the bounty during the time period, your ADA will be refunded.
Collecting a Bounty:
1. Select "search for trash bounties near you" to open a map of nearby bounties.
2. Once arrived at an area, take a photo of the same area shown in the photo listed in the bounty.
3. Remove all litter from the specified area.
4. Take a photo of the now clean area, as well as another photo of the same area with the bag/container you have placed the litter in.
5. Properly dispose of the litter in whatever method is a available to you in your jurisdiction and take one last photo of the dumpster, chute, or facility used.
6. Enter the wallet address you would like your ADA sent to.
7. Select "submit for audit". Once approved funds will be dispersed to your wallet.
1. Review timestamped photos, make note of the time the photos were taken, compare the original bounty photo with the TrashHunters photo.
2. Determine if the photos do indicate the successful removal of litter in the designated area. Vote to approve or deny the submission.
3. Enter the wallet address you would like funds sent to.
The launch of TrashApp will need to be geographically coordinated since there must be enough users in a given area in order for the system to work. Partnering with other like minded groups could be a great way to accomplish initial user base in a specific city/region. There exists many volunteer groups, meetups, and organizations that address things like ocean cleanup, forest preservation, environmental activism, etc. Focusing on people who are already doing similar activities and who are all in the same area should result in enough user base to satisfy adequate Bounty Creator/Trash Hunter ratio.
Return on Intention
1. Daily Active Users - This DApp is unique because it brings users in who have no current interest in crypto. A lot of DApps being built right now are focused on DeFi, but this is all going after the same market of people who are already interested in crypto. TrashApp will target a massive, growing segment of eco-conscious users. In 2019 the International Coastal Cleanup initiative had 943,000 participants and picked up 20 million pounds of trash. Every year on Earth Day millions of volunteers come together to plant trees and pick up trash. These movements come together in large numbers with zero incentive, if something like TrashApp were coordinated and implemented into an Earth Day like event with a large organization, business, or government behind it, it could bring hundreds of thousands of users into Cardano in a single day.
2. Transactions - unfortunately, litter isn't going away anytime soon, but that's good for Cardano if a DApp like TrashApp takes off. If there are just a few hundred users in most cities around the world, there will be 10,000+ transactions, and since the transactions need metadata from the photos of the trash and the payment system is in ADA or a stablecoin running on ADA, user adoption of the DApp will be directly correlated to increased Cardano transaction volume.
3. Funds transacted. Bounties will be a dynamic and subjective payment system, so estimated funds transacted is difficult to determine, but this will also be directly correlated with user adoption. There is also great potential for a large organization, company, or government to post a very large bounty for a huge trash pickup project.
Cardano has a thriving community of people who actually care about the world. I believe that a DApp like TrashApp should be built on Cardano not just for it's blockchain capabilites like the ability to handle low cost, high volume, metadata transactions, but because it fits into the mission and values of Cardano. Our community is inherently focused on sustainability, and the mission and goal of TrashApp and the new people who it will bring into the Cardano ecosystem will fit perfectly into our ecosystem.
"We're Cardano. And, if you'll permit us, we'd like to change the world."
30000Owned and operated several small businesses in real estate and e-commerce. Leveraging partners/collaborators experience in DApp development.