Last updated 4 years ago
Quality information scarce. Misinformation is crippling our ability to make (the right) choices and is taking power from the people.
TRUST: dapp that guarantees information closest to truth. Only allowing raw data and inscentified, gamified, falsification for the masses.
This is the total amount allocated to TRUST: Debunk misinformation DApp.
TRUST: dapp that guarantees information closest to truth. Only allowing raw data and inscentified, gamified, falsification for the masses.
As for my track record in the space: NADA:) This is just a proposal and if it is a good idea the right people will appear.
Problem statement
The media is not about reporting the truth anymore but about making you afraid to go outside. Social media shows you only information that suits them well. Ai is getting ridiculously advanced which makes it impossible for us to know whether what we see online is real or not. Even science is being manipulated in producing a version of truth that benefits big players. All this happens in a time we are forced into lockdowns and we spend more and more of our time in the digital world. With all this misinformation flying around it might be more difficult than ever to find some truth we desperately need to make the right choices. Because we miss out on real information our decisions get worse by the day. We are forced to choose sides and then fight the other side. You will vote for a politician that stabs us in the back. You will fight for or against climate change when it might not even be real. You might die for an idea that later will turn out to be a lie.
What if there was a platform you could go to find information closest to truth? A place where you can see, hear and feel as if you were there. A place where you would get access to the eyes and ears of millions of other people. You could see what they see, hear what they hear and feel what they feel. A place where you can trust information. A place where you can find the information to make the right decisions and build a safe joyful life.
TRUST is a decentralised (social) information platform that only allows you to publish unmanipulated photos, videos and audio. The app is built in a way that it simply blocks any filter, ai, deep fake interference. The app only allows raw data. Because anything can and will be hacked there is the social falsification feature that rewards people to falsify anything that is on the platform. A kind of scientific game with rewards to falsify information and thereby building a stronger idea of reality. It would take science to the masses. It would be kinda like Pokémon go. Somebody in your neighborhood posted something you know is fake. Now you can go there and bust the myth by filming the crime scene. You will earn rewards and respect. The fraud will lose credit and respect. Every week we can bust a myth. Like the tiktok trends all over the world people will be busting the same myths.The dapp does not have to look smooth as it is the opposite of fakeness. It will be the Nokia 3310 of social media apps.
If it is technically possible I have no idea. But I guess that can easily be discovered with all the knowledge in the catalist space. Cost: raw estimate but for 25 -50 k for a beta version must be feasible. This version we can test within the cardano space. As for my track record in the space: NADA:) This is just a proposal and if it is a good idea the right people will appear.
About me
The first 30 years of my life I believed in needed information to be safe. My father who witnessed the 2nd world war as a young child used the following example. If you were Jewish and you knew what was going on in Europe you would have fled. In other words you need to know what is going on in order to survive. This belief stuck with me created a never ending hunger for information. At 12 I was interested in politics because I thought they decided what was going on. At 16 I read the scenarios (that made them top 10 biggest companies in the world) created by royal shell because I believed they decided which direction the world was taking. My journey led me into university. I studied human geography, and sociology. While in university I discovered that even scientists do not have the answers and know what is going on. In their field they can be right and even if they are right nobody connects the fields. Not knowing where I could ever find the information I needed to ever feel safe I gave up on the quest and decided to do what I liked most. I followed the sun and the surf. 10 years I worked in the surf business. I had my own surf school and surf camp and with a team of 20 people delivered life changing experiences. During these 10 years I stilled my hunger for information with 'conspiracy' theories and eastern philosophies. In 2010 I even wrote a white paper that was called Trade Freedom. It had at least 50% overlap with Blockchain. The paper never saw the light and I moved on in life. When I was introduced with Blockchain I immediately knew it could be a solution to the deep underlying problems of our world. I was hooked. This proposal is my first step in the scene but certainly not the last. I am here to stay.
To be honest technically I have no clue what is possible or not. The only thing I know is people and what they need to thrive. And the world desperately needs to adopt falsification on a large scale quickly. If not, this process of polarization will take a nasty turn and I can tell the same thing to my children as my father told me.
50000As for my track record in the space: NADA:) This is just a proposal and if it is a good idea the right people will appear.