Last updated a year ago
Need new training videos for learning how to build with the Marlowe & Plutus playgrounds, some people learn better watching others do things
ADA MakerSpace provides free video lessons for anyone interested in learning how to build things that will run on the Cardano blockchain
This is the total amount allocated to ADA MakerSpace - DEV lessons.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
ADA MakerSpace provides free video lessons for anyone interested in learning how to build things that will run on the Cardano blockchain
Since AUG192020 our channel has gotten 2,511 views, had Total Watch time of 258.4hours, and gained 225 Subscribers. 258hrs DEV lessons given
Our podcast will test and build ideas with Plutus and Marlowe Playgrounds in an open-source online environment. ADA MakerSpace Podcast Series will help developers and entrepreneurs learn how to build Dapps and businesses on Cardano blockchain while watching others build their ideas. People watching will get real knowledge using the playgrounds, and cool opportunities from being a viewer of our episodes. In addition to ADA giveaways and bounties during the episodes we will also build Dapps and Smart Contracts for viewers who have submitted ideas.
Our lessons will be recorded during experimenting with Cardano's DEV tools, and like Bob Ross would say "We don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents", and what we learn from testing things in the Playgrounds will be available for all to see. We will use some of the funding received to create ADA bounties and giveaways for viewers of the podcast, and also for marketing to make sure videos reach a larger audience.
Our lessons would help bring in Haskell and JavaScript developers that have no experience with Plutus and Marlowe and show them how to get started building things on Cardano. It will also teach those with no coding skill to use Blockly to build smart contracts with no coding experience. Our lessons will also show non-developers how to use Blockly and the Playgrounds to think about smart contract design on Cardano without having to gain coding knowledge. At ADA MakerSpace DEVs will get hands-on learning expirneces in Plutus and Marlowe, and entrepreneurs will get Dapps built that they may have not been able to fund or create by themselves.
ADA MakerSpace Episodes will be free to watch always and available 24/7 on YouTube. And lucky entrepreneurs who are tuning-in and completing bounties can get their ideas built by ADA MarkerSpace DEVs. And those that can afford development costs can sponsor episode/s creating funding for the podcast and incubation of ideas built in the Cardano ecosystem.
2 Lessons a week for 2 months = 16 Episodes will house videos, code snippets, and opportunities to take part in a online accelerator for entrepreneurs selected to have their ideas built.
$12,000 for 16 Episodes (16 one hour video lessons over 2 months)
$1,600 for giveaways & prizes for viewers ($800 a month for two months)
$1,200 for targeted advertising to reach more DEVs outside Cardano's ecosystem (search ADs, PPC, affiliate)
Total $15,800
(If awarded SHOW BOUNTIES FUNDING FROM CH and get matching funding we will do lessons for 4 months instead of 2 for a total of 32 Episodes)
With funding we would spend money on marketing efforts like Google search ADs for when people search for things like "how to build dApps" "how to create smart contracts" will target keyword phrases with and without the words "Cardano, Marlowe, and Plutus" so our ADs are seen by people who are looking to learn how to become a blockchain developer that have knowledge of Cardano and those that don't. We use similar strategies of paid targeted advertising on social networks as well. In addition to bounties in ADA we offer viewers to share episodes.
Episodes will be free to watch on YouTube, and code created during them will go in to an open-source Github for anyone to use. Time is invested before recording planning episodes, during the recording of, after recording them to prepare them for upload, and share these videos. We are seeking Matching funds from CH Show Bounties Promotion As Seen On YouTube.
Anyone will be able to use these lessons to learn to build on Cardano and get ideas of ways to use and design smart contracts in Marlowe Playground. Plus we will build ideas for our viewers and give ADA prizes for quests seen on the show. You will also be investing in improving the skills of the DEVs hosting the podcast who will become some of your most dedicated builders in the ecosystem. And every lesson created will be marketing Cardano 24-7 on YouTube, and teaching others how to create things on Cardano blockchain with the Playgrounds and Blockly.
Since AUG192020 our channel has gotten 2,511 views, had Total Watch time of 258.4hours, and gained 225 Subscribers. 258hrs DEV lessons given