Last updated 4 years ago
Ideascale is not pleasant to use, it sucks. As users, we feel more often restricted than empowered on this platform when proposing new ideas
A native idea generation platform dedicated to Cardano blockchain. Open-source, simplified, gamified, modern, mobile, made to scale global.
This is the total amount allocated to Better Ideascale But Open-Source .
A native idea generation platform dedicated to Cardano blockchain. Open-source, simplified, gamified, modern, mobile, made to scale global.
More than 20 years of experience in software engineering, design and marketing. Check under to read more about the team and our skills.
Problem in details
Ideascale is not pleasant to use. As users, we feel more often restricted than empowered by this platform when proposing or reviewing new ideas.
Ideascale has many weaknesses: cramped and overloaded interface, too many user interaction choices by design, hard to understand what you have to do and when it is possible to do, not mobile friendly, and the list could go on...
These are some UX/UI flaws but there are some fundamental flaws. As a user, Ideascale doesn't propose efficient tools to skim through, filter out and keep track of a large list of ideas and feedback. It is like an email client that would not have ability to see already read emails.
We talked about Ideascale design flaws. Now let's talk about the open-source part. Cardano is an open public neutral project controlled by everybody, Ideascale is not. Ideascale is owned by a private company, therefore centralized and built for organizations working top to bottom in a classical centralized way. Idea generation platform for Cardano should be the opposite - built from the bottom up, open-source and improved by the community.
Solution, product
Cardano needs its own native idea generation platform dedicated to Cardano blockchain projects. Our main mission is to propose an alternative platform: open-source, simplified, gamified, modern, mobile, made to scale globally from bottom up. Focused on one simple goal: help great ideas to emerge from noise!
Core principles for the new platform are:
We'll apply these principles to these following core features:
Community members
We also aim to refine the social dynamics and incentive model of user feedback. We think it would be a good idea to give a small cut off the future revenues generated by Catalyst funded projects back to people from the community that helped the project to grow by voting, commenting, helping to refine, or posting any positively perceived feedback according to the crowd (generating high amounts of upvotes). A reserve of 1% to 3% of the future revenues could be redistributed in the long run and used an efficient way to reward positive contributions and constructive feedback and help.
Involving community
During the pre-production stage we'll run interviews and collect feedback and ideas from fund1 and fund2 active users (people that have been using the platform extensively during the first funds).
Our design team will draft UX/UI concepts based on our initial ideas and their collective feedback. If feedback is positive, and community members like it, we'll implement the proposal. Else, we'll refine it.
Roadmap(complete plan will be publically available on
Timeline and resources
It takes around 6 months to build the project 'Better Idea Generation Platform'. To build that project we need:
More than 20 years of experience in software engineering, design and marketing. Check under to read more about the team and our skills.