Last updated a year ago
There is no central place for new and existing community members of Project Catalyst to find the info and links they need.
Build a community driven Community Landing Page that links to the various material relating to Project Catalyst.
This is the total amount allocated to Project Catalyst Landing Page.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Build a community driven Community Landing Page that links to the various material relating to Project Catalyst.
A team of community members. Phil Khoo-project lead / Project Catalyst Community Advisor, Jacob Abel lead developer, mwojtera dev ops & Tevo
Problem Statement
Members of the Cardano community, who want to contribute are facing a difficult challenge to gather information on how to partake in Project Catalyst. Currently this information is spread across the community in various documents, knowledge pools, in community members brains and communication channels. Meaningful participation requires a strong understanding of what participation in the process is and only then one can choose to engage in a meaningful way. If information is not easily accessible, this can become a critical roadblock to having members of the community contributing to project catalyst.
Proposed Solution
The pooling together of relevant information in the form of a community landing page and information repository will directly affect the meaningful participation in Project Catalyst by providing vital information. Done right it can be the place the community will point to as the location of that document that is currently in someone's googledocs.
Development is done in an open way on the GitHub platform licensed under creative commons. The site information is a public repository and therefore no logins will be necessary to access it. Our intention is to steer the site through its initial iterations and lay the foundation for its growth. Once the structures are in place and it's a self sustaining project custodianship can be passed to the Cardano Foundation or other relevant party. Additions, subtractions, structure, look and feel, and content will all be community driven initially through the github issue tracking system where users can add, create and develop the site through pull requests.
Going forward we plan to develop an interface directly in the site that will allow the creation of 'issue' or request site content and features eliminating the need for interacting with the sometimes daunting github interface.
Github Pages
Current iteration available:
A steering team made up of the proposal team to lay the page's foundations
Opt-in community members through issue raising and pull requests
Work is already being carried out in a GitHub repo to develop the page. Our planning process is available here:
First site iteration up before start of fund5
Continue improvement of the landing page through fund5 and fund6 and beyond
Budgeting & Community Involvement:
Funding for the initial work done $2000:
- Phil Khoo $500 for in excess of 15 hours
- Michael (mwojtera) $500 for 10-15 hours undertaking in planning and implementation
- Tevo $500 for 10+ hours of planning, research and implementation
- Jacob Abel $500 for initial setup of the site and planning and implementation
Budgeting & Community Involvement
We are asking for $500 each for work already undertaken - a total of $2000.
The remaining funds will be used for feature bounty payments.
By offering a bounty system we can incorporate the developer talent of the community, pay contributors to help convert existing documentation into the site (we plan to provide documentation and onboarding training for new contributors as a part of the process), and in the future write up identified required documents (e.g. how-tos, guides).
Budget for bounty system:
The steering committee and the community will propose future content and direction for the site by reporting and documenting 'issues'. The bounty systems funds will become a discretionary pot to encourage the resolution of these issues. For small tasks a few dollars or tens of dollars can be offered. For larger development issues hundreds or thousands may be offer to resolve the issue. The exact mechanism will evolve over time. For now it will be up to to us the steering group to successfully steward the process, however if more further development and therefore funds are required to build the site a system with better community decision making may need to be developed.
A public record of payments made will be kept to ensure open and fairness in the process.
By offering this bounty system we can incorporate the developer talent of the community, pay contributors to help convert existing documentation into the site (we plan to provide documentation and onboarding training for new contributors as a part of the process), and in the future write up identified required documents (e.g. how-tos, guides).
What does success look like of the proposal?
Success is a dynamic community resource where issues recorded by the community (features/content) are tracked and pull requests (solutions) are proposed and implemented also by the community (both content creators and developers). These two metrics will show that the community is engaged with developing the site to suit it's needs and that the solutions and resultant bounties are paid.
10000A team of community members. Phil Khoo-project lead / Project Catalyst Community Advisor, Jacob Abel lead developer, mwojtera dev ops & Tevo