Implement a diversified membership scheme to attract and engage W/Africans to contribute to Project Catalyst goals
Team: Marketing, Educator, Community Outreach, Project Management, Software Developers. Research & Development Consultancy
Purpose of the Proposal
There's growing excitement within the West and Sub-Saharan African community about the possibilities that blockchain and Cardano has to offer. WADA (West Africa Decentralized Alliance) is asking for $6000 USD this funding round to create a focused community to encourage meaningful participation in Project Catalyst from West and Sub Saharan Africa community members in the next two funds (6months) through a continuous funnel volunteer and membership welcome scheme. This scheme will feed into our other onboarding plans.
This proposal also aims to diversify inclusion and participating of one of Cardano's key target populations into Project Catalyst
Strategic Landscape
- Worldometer puts Africa's population at 1.4 billion and West Africa's population at just over 400 million as of January 2021 with a median age of 18 years indicating a big upside for economic expansion. A keenness to catch up with the West through emerging technological developments means West Africa offers an immense opportunity for international investments and therefore a large potential market for what Cardano has to offer.
- A growing number of West/Sub-Saharan young Africans are upwardly mobile, tech savvy and becoming aware of the power pf blockchain technology
- While China recognizes this potential and continues to invest heavily in the region, other parts of the western world have been slow to recognize this potential. Ryan Denehy (Founder & CEO says it best: "There is a massive Startup ecosystem in Africa that nobody (in the US) is paying attention to"
Strategic Direction
- Continue to cement WADA's position as Cardano's gateway to West and Sub-Saharan Africa
- With WADA's rapidly increasing presence on WhatsApp, Telegram, Twitter, Discord, Clubhouse and other social media platforms, inquiries about blockchain and Cardano keep coming in.
- We say no to no one! We follow up with each enquirer
- Stratify and onboard based on enquirer needs
- Set up and implement our three level onboarding strategy:
- (W)ADA Network Orbs : Initial Enquirers
- (W)ADA Network Stars: Have a well-thought-out business or dApp Idea or shows commitment to meaningfully participate in Project Catalyst
- (W)ADA Network Heroes: Have Proposal submitted and wins funding or becomes a Community Advisor
Major Milestones (over the subsequent 2 funding rounds)
- Month1- Group 1 Streamline and Update Current Contacts
- Month2- Townhall-style presentation/events to onboard participants to Project Catalyst
- Month3- Group 2 Outreach Environmental Scan with help of Group 1
- Month4- Townhall-style presentation/events to onboard Group 2 participants to Project Catalyst
- Month5- Put both Groups 1& 2 through WADA Proposer Outreach presentations
- Month6- One on one guided proposer submissions and community advisor onboarding
- No. of West Africa community members in the WADA membership/volunteer scheme
- % that become active community advisers?
- % watch town halls?
- % vote?
- % proposes?
- % becomes a referrer?
- % of Attendees to Catalyst Onboarding events
- % of event Surveys/Attendees
- $ of Total Funded (plus other Success metrics)
Risk Management
We will work within our overall Risk Framework as out lined here:
Budget Breakdown
Requested: $6k
- $2k Team fees (Materials, Research, Marketing, Website)
- $3k Meetings, Outreach, Presentations
- $1k Welcome packages
The Proposing TEAM
- Afia Ghana Team Lead brings extensive experience in team leadership and community engagement/organization to WADA. She holds an MSc degree in Management Information Systems from the University of Lancaster, UK and a BSc. (Hons) in Natural Resources Management, University of Science and Technology (UST), Kumasi, Ghana. She was the coordinator of the Project Wildlife Clubs of African implemented by Birdlife International involving 17 African countries with the major output being information exchange between African Wildlife Clubs and their international counterparts through development of an electronic manual for the mainstreaming of environmental education for participating countries.
- Jacob Design & Stakepool Lead is a creative Ghanaian graphic, web designer and stakepool operator. He is a passionate Cardano enthusiast who began exploring the power of blockchain technology in 2016. He believes that with education, West Africa Decentralized Alliance has the potential to serve as an eye-opener to local authorities and businesses in the Western part of Africa. Jacob is currently self-employed as a graphic, web designer & Cardano stakepool operator and lives in Accra, Ghana. Jacob is responsible for maintaining project website and technical outreach
- Josh Global Project Lead is uniquely placed to be the Project Lead for WADA as well as operating its Data and Analytics. He brings his years of project management and team leadership from 10+ years in the startup world, running teams for Start Up Bootcamp and as an organizer for a Danish student enterprise accelerator (FED). His 2+ years in Canary Wharf, London working for the major banking and professional services firms have provided him with an insight into corporate partnerships and venture capital.
- Mercy: Communication & Coordination Lead has a combined 25+ years' experience in Project Management and Engagement (West Africa, Canada) Healthcare (UK, Canada) and brings a wealth of experience and passion to this project.
Affiliated Projects & Proposals
Project Brief: