Art DApps Platform, inspired by IdeaScale format with focus on creation and curation of arts collaborating with art-related Fund winners
- Yan Tirta, Marcomm Manager of benda Art Management
- Ignatia Nilu, Curator of ArtJog and ArtBali
- Teguh Harmanda, COO of Tokocrypto
A. In-depth Proposer and Implementer Background :
- (Proposer) Yanno Tirtaharna, Marcomm Manager of benda Art Management; 5 year experience in the art industry. Largest investor is Gaia Cosmo Hotel part of Gaia Hotel Group a subsidiary of Galva Technologies. Through him we gained the support of the following implementers of this proposal and various other business owners. Please find related link :
- (Implementer) Ignatia Nilu, curator of Indonesian prominent art fairs called ArtJog and ArtBali; 11 year experience in the art industry. Through her we gained the support of Enin Supriyanto, Artistic Director of ArtJakarta and various other high-net worth individuals. Please find related links : &
- (Implementer) Teguh Harmanda, COO of Tokocrypto and Head of Indonesia Crypto Merchant Association (Aspakrindo); 7 year experience in the crypto & blockchain industry. Through him we gained the support of the Head of Crypto Regulations in Indonesia (Bappeti) and various other government officials. Please find related links :
- (Implementer) Lutvi Rosyady and Ibnu Fajar Yunardi, founder and co-founder of Qatros; combined 26 years experience in the information technology industry, notable engineering experience in the unicorn Gojek. Through them the Cardano community gains exposure to their IT community and their clients. Please find related links :
B. In-depth Problem Statement :
- Onboarding new collectors (has been the number 1 problem for the past 3 years)
- Galleries need new method of financing (has been a problem for the past 10 years)
- Incumbent art ecosystem favors those in proximity with traditional major hubs and strong financial backings (has always been a problem)
C. In-depth Solution :
- Art DApps Platform launch, inspired by IdeaScale format with focus on creation and curation of arts collaborating with art-related Fund winners in the fields of ; tokenization, NFT, fractional ownership, art as collateral through DeFI, transparency, decentralized, etc.
- Commissioning art collectibles, a collaboration between Kinetic Artist, Dedy Shofianto with Wood Watch, Matoa which will be the first art collectibles ever to be applied Cardano tech (NFT/Tokenization/Traceability/Fractional Ownership)
- EEEO model serves as the foundation for a collaborative decentralized ecosystem to promote awareness and generate financial value for all art-related tech created by the Fund series
- Art DApps wireframe - Please find attachment under the name "Art DApps Wireframe 1.0"
D. Specific Target :
E. Blocking Problem :
- Introducing and educating the next generation of collectors (tech savvy, gadget-driven millennials) the real-case implementation of Cardano's current art enabling tech in the fields of ; tokenization, NFT, fractional ownership, art as collateral through DeFi, transparency, decentralized, etc.
F. Evidence :
- First ever implementation of NFT's in an auction by a major auctioneer, Christie's - spark for a call-to-action to our community that enforces problem statement number 1 |
- Art Basel 2020 Report - please find page 119 that enforces problem statement number 1&2 |
- Geolocation Impact on Artist Longevity - please find this computational research that enforces problem statement number 3 |
- Hiscox Online Art Trade Report 2020 |
- Blockchain, Fractional Ownership, and the Future of Creative Work |
- Artist Rethinking The Blockchain |
G. Various Other Deliverables and Cost :
- Please find attachment under the name "Proposal Budget"
H. KPI :
- Please find attachment under the name "KPI"
I. Commissioned Art Collectibles Concept :
- Please find attachment under the name "Commissioned Art Collectibles Concept"
J. Timeline to Art DApps Platform Launch :
- Please find attachment under the name "Proposal Timeline"
K. Development Phases :
- Please find attachment under the name "Development Phases"
L. Intellectual Properties :
- Art DApps Platform : open-source
- Commissioned Art Collectibles : fractional ownership
M. Defining Success :
- Onboarding of Tom Tandio
- Onboarding Neil El Himam (Deputy Chairman for Digital Economy and Creative Products - Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy) to implement Cardano art-related tech onto his blockchain project in Indonesia's music industry
- Onboarding Sandiaga Uno (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy) to promote the Art DApps platform through a webinar
- Commissioned Art Collectibles unveiling meets all concept, budget and timeline parameters
- Exposure and promotion of Cardano, Art DApps Platform and all art-related tech created by the Fund series to all 15 active high-net worth collectors
- Exposure and promotion of Cardano, Art DApps Platform and all art-related tech created by the Fund series to all 18 high-profile media and 7 art-related media
- Sales of all commissioned tokenized art merchandise
- 3 (three) new leads for the commissioning of artworks using the Cardano blockchain tech
N. Sustaining the Business :
- Fractional ownership of artwork funded
- Resale royalties from artworks sales
- Stake pool operation from the profits of artwork sales
O. Legality :
- This entity can operate under my family owned company, Summit Global Indonesia under some form of "verein" structure