Last updated 3 years ago
A user can easily create a token but does not have any way to sell their token besides peer-to-peer trading.
The marketplace will allow any user to sell any verifiable token on the Cardano blockchain using smart contracts written in Plutus.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano-based Marketplace.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
The marketplace will allow any user to sell any verifiable token on the Cardano blockchain using smart contracts written in Plutus.
I am a theoretical astrophysicist who transitioned careers to become a dApp developer on the Cardano blockchain.
What is the Marketplace?
The marketplace is an all-in-one solution for the decentralized trading of user-made tokens. It serves as an easy entry for beginning NFT users, providing a platform for a low-floor-high-ceiling NFT market, and creates a home for advanced users due to the simplicity of design combined with the great flexibility and customization the marketplace brings to the industry.
A marketplace without gatekeeping.
Any user may register a token with the marketplace and can start trading their token immediately. This opens a new pathway for selling tokenized objects on the internet. In theory, this means art, tickets, houses, cars, anything tokenizable, could be traded in a decentralized way without a controlling party. This is huge and makes this marketplace more than just a simple token swap.
General Use
Users will link their wallets to the marketplace allowing them to create and complete orders on the blockchain. If a user mints a token, they can add the token to the marketplace.
Goals and Deliverables
ReactJS single page application for the marketplace
Open Sourced Cardano ReactJS Components
Marlowe and Plutus Smart Contract Modelling
Marketplace RESTful API.
Create for stake pool splash page and app hosting.
Build ReactJS single page application for the marketplace.
Build Backend API for single
Model Smart Contracts in Marlowe and Plutus
Open-source the contracts for public knowledge and trust.
Marketplace Prototype:
Prototype Guide:
Marketplace Interactive Flowchart:
Marlowe and Plutus Scripts:
Why A Prototype?
The marketplace requires a lot of development that isn't web-related. The entire marketplace relies on a web3-style wallet integration and random peer-to-peer smart contract execution. Both of which do not exist at this time.
Hire React developer for 40 work hours a week for a single month.
Key Progress Indicators (KPIs)
- Create -- Complete
- Build ReactJS Single Page Application -- Work In Progress
- Build API -- Work In Progress
- Model Smart Contracts in Marlowe and Plutus
I am a theoretical astrophysicist who transitioned careers to become a dApp developer on the Cardano blockchain.