Last updated 4 years ago
The lack of knowledge about Cardano is common at non-native speaking countries where fewer resources are available in their own language.
We plan to produce a series of short videos about Cardano in Spanish. The target of these videos are people who don't know Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano with Ñ / Cardano in Spanish.
We plan to produce a series of short videos about Cardano in Spanish. The target of these videos are people who don't know Cardano.
We are learning how to build and maintain our own stake pool and we would like to go for more technical projects when we are ready for it.
We are planning to post the next series of videos on Youtube:
1-> What are cryptocurrencies? What problem are they trying to solve?
2-> What is Cardano? Roadmap and future vision.
3-> Blockchain technology: how does it work?
4-> What is a blockchain node? Connection between peers
5-> What is a blockchain wallet? How secure are they? (Address, public/private key)
6-> What is ADA? Differences with other cryptocurrencies.
7-> How to get ADA?
8-> Differences between Daedalus and Yoroi
9-> Types of hard-wallets (ledger, trezor)
10-> Getting ADA and storing it in Daedalus and Yoroi
11-> How to stay safe on the net? Special wallets and sScams.
12-> What is staking and delegation?
13-> How to delegate?
14-> What is the Catalyst project?
15-> How to vote on your favourite projects?
16-> How to keep going from this point. Being an active member on the community..
17-> Cardano up to date (section in which novel news about Cardano World will be shared in a light and amusing way)
Also we would like to make a weekly video analysing the most interesting projects of catalyst. Right now it is a bit tedious to go through all the projects on Catalyst and have to spend quite a lot of time. The idea is to make it more accessible for the majority of the people.
3000We are learning how to build and maintain our own stake pool and we would like to go for more technical projects when we are ready for it.