Last updated 4 years ago
the future is DEFI and investors need specialized financial analysis before investing.
we will generate financial reports on DEFI to whoever requests it, by a group of securities and crypto professionals
This is the total amount allocated to Dapps of financial analysis on DEFI.
we will generate financial reports on DEFI to whoever requests it, by a group of securities and crypto professionals
The team that makes this proposal is made up of securities professionals with decades of experience and crypto traders and investors.
The plan we have to make the project a reality is to request your support and advice so that together with the team that makes this proposal, we can generate specialized financial reports to the needs of investors. In addition, the team is fully willing to take the necessary steps to materialize this project through the Cardano Blockchain.
50000The team that makes this proposal is made up of securities professionals with decades of experience and crypto traders and investors.