Last updated 7 months ago
Plutus is Cardano's smart contract layer written in Haskell. 1st target users to build secure DeFi contracts in Plutus are senior Haskellers
Team of 6 senior fullstack Haskell devs with deep fintech backgrounds currently building on the Plutus eUTXO smart contract system on TN.
This is the total amount allocated to Haskell Devs for Liqwid Plutus SC's.
Team of 6 senior fullstack Haskell devs with deep fintech backgrounds currently building on the Plutus eUTXO smart contract system on TN.
Develops fintech payment platforms & works on open-source projects in Haskell. Migrated business logic from Node.JS to Haskell.
Liqwid is developing an open source liquidity protocol on Cardano for decentralized and non-custodial lending.
This proposal is requesting ADA to fund a team of senior Haskell developers who will build the complete set of Plutus smart contracts/API's and integrate the contracts with the Cardano oracle mechanism provided.
Our previous proposals have focused on the technical development, infrastructure, back/frontend, security and Solidity codebase development required for the initial product release on the KEVM sidechain, this proposal is focused exclusively on the development of Plutus smart contracts/API's.
The following Statement of Work outlines our Fund4 goals:
● Development of Plutus Smart Contracts for lending/borrowing
● Tooling, testing and automation (API's/QA)
● Project planning and project management for Plutus sc build.
● DevOps
● Documentation of all Liqwid smart contracts/API's.
● Contributions to the Plutus system itself, as required (e.g. dev tooling in Python/JS)
The Haskell development firm, MLabs Consulting has worked extensively in the fintech and payment space, and is now embarking on a new journey into the decentralized finance space. Their clients include Juspay and Tillit, which respectively are B2C and B2B payments companies in India and Europe.
At Juspay the MLabs team heads up the migration of the payments stack from Purescript to Haskell and the migration from Groovy to Haskell. At Tillit the MLabs team helps to build the backend systems for B2B payments, and the associated DevOps. Work on other projects includes front-end development, artificial intelligence and machine learning.
All of the code developed will be open sourced under the Apache 2.0 License.
MLabs work on Open Source Haskell:
Across our team we have initiated and contributed to many open source projects, including static and JIT compilers (Cython, Numba), Haskell data processing systems (Streamly), build systems and frameworks for Purescript (Spago and Parcel), front-end frameworks (Halogen), Haskell schema validators (Medea), database libraries (beam, beam-mysql), Redis bindings (Hedis), the Nix and Haskell build system and packages (nixpkgs, cabal-extras), string and string parsing libraries (text-ascii, io-streams-ascii, bytestring-lexing), metrics and monitoring libraries (prometheus-haskell) and many more.
Some of the libraries we have developed are actively used as part of existing payment stacks and payment processing systems.
Github Links:
Development team:
6 senior Haskell fullstack developers: 4 full-time devs, 2 part-time devs
Project Roadmap: Development sprints lasting 1-2 weeks in length will implement the Liqwid Plutus API/smart contracts built according to this roadmap.
Sprint 1 - Develop smart contracts to enable: 1. supplying assets and 2. using supplied assets as collateral
Sprint 2 - Begin testing against Liqwid proxy service/other infrastructure locally.
Sprint 3 - Develop smart contracts to enable: borrowing from pool, LQ token governance/configuration parameters
Sprint 4 - Develop supply interest rate logic for handling qTokens, borrow interest rate logic for borrowed amount
Sprint 5 - Develop repay borrowed funds smart contract
Sprint 6 - Plutus Testnet deployment
Sprint 7 - Develop liquidation smart contract/loan default system (Liqwid Safety Module)
Sprint 8 - Multi-market integration
Sprint 9 - External smart contract security audit
Sprint 10 - Mainnet deployment
Size-related metrics:
1. Number of Plutus smart contracts deployed on testnet/mainnet
2. Lines of written source code
3. Development team velocity: the "amount" of software the team produces each sprint
4. Code integrity (qa, devops, testing related metrics)
Function-related metrics:
1. End-User smart contract functionality developed each sprint.
2. User Stories/story points completed each sprint.
Budget Breakdown: 1 Month of Plutus smart contract development
4 FT Senior Haskell developers (tax/transaction cost included): $27,375
2 PT Senior Haskell developers (tax/transaction cost included): $9,125
Total: $36,500
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Develops fintech payment platforms & works on open-source projects in Haskell. Migrated business logic from Node.JS to Haskell.