Last updated 4 years ago
Companies use donating percentages of their profits as marketing tool. Yet, this is hard and time-consuming to verify for customers.
A smart-contract to automatically forward x% received at an address to charity organizations. Add explorer function for simple verification.
This is the total amount allocated to Make donations transparent.
A smart-contract to automatically forward x% received at an address to charity organizations. Add explorer function for simple verification.
Software Engineer with 4 years of experience.
Volunteer for a social organization after high-school graduation.
Day to day experience.
The first step will be, to implement this smart contract. This will allow companies that accept ADA or SPOs to proof that they are donating a specific percentage to a specified address. This address should be the address of the specified organization.
In parallel, organizations can register to the smart-contract and hereby certify that they are the real owner of the address being donated to.
An explorer functionality for this contract will help consumers verify where these donations go. As a long-term perspective, this could even be included on the "send" tab of ADA-wallets, so consumers see the organization they support with their purchase immediately.
In the end, this will be a win-win-win-win:
For charities: They receive more donations by integrating donations into day-to-day purchases
For consumers: They are empowered by being able to make more conscious purchase decisions
For companies/SPOs: They can use this as a marketing tool. SPOs can attract more delegation by automatically donating x% of their rewards.
For Cardano: This is yet another clear advantage of crypto-currencies over fiat. As a real-world application, this can help fight the sometimes prevalent image of crypto-currencies as purely speculative and money-making tool. Instead, this application can help drive real social change.
Software Engineer with 4 years of experience.
Volunteer for a social organization after high-school graduation.
Day to day experience.