Last updated 4 years ago
Keeping your keys safe is paramount. Software wallets like Metamask and others work well in the browser, but not as easily on mobile phones.
A Hardware wallet on smart phones can enable the transacting of ADA between users and DApps.
This is the total amount allocated to Mobile Device HW Wallet Integration.
A Hardware wallet on smart phones can enable the transacting of ADA between users and DApps.
Samsung has released a Blockchain Keystore wallet and SDK on all Galaxy 10+ devices. I previously worked at Samsung.
I propose that we assemble a team to collaborate with Samsung to bring Cardano onto their Keystore Platform. This will enable millions of end users to use Cardano easily and will increase adoption of the Dapps being developed. Currently the platform supports Ethereum, Tron based Dapps. We can bring functioning Cardano Dapps into the conversation and on to the platform.
100000Samsung has released a Blockchain Keystore wallet and SDK on all Galaxy 10+ devices. I previously worked at Samsung.