Last updated 4 years ago
It is expensive to faucet out or airdrop tokens, as you need to include more than 1 ADA for each transaction.
We would like to develop a server side component to facilitate the airdropping or faucet of native tokens on Cardano
This is the total amount allocated to Token faucet.
We would like to develop a server side component to facilitate the airdropping or faucet of native tokens on Cardano
We minted the first Cardano native token in history: nutcoin. We have implemented the native asset support to
# Detailed plan
Every time you send a native token to someone, you need to send more than 1 ADA with it, making it hard to make a meaningful distribution to a group of people.
For use cases such as faucets or aidrops, we want to create a service that will form a bridge between the token end-user and issuer. The end-user will send the amount needed for minimal UTXO transaction, and the service will send back the native tokens along with the amount they have sent to the service, minus the transaction fees.
## Roadmap, deliverables and performance
We plan to deliver the fully working server-side software, documentation and containerized solution so that anyone can easily run it within two months from the funding.
The main key performance indicator (KPI) would be the number of token issuers using this service. The long term goal is to have at last 50 instances deployed over the year 2021.
## Relevant experience
Five Binaries is an infrastructure development company. We're Cardano pioneers - with the first Cardano block minted on an aeroplane, first stake pool on the ITN, the first Shelley transaction on the mainnet and first native asset minted on Cardano.
We are trusted by customers such as Emurgo, Trezor or Ergo Foundation. To get in touch or find more information about us, please visit
## Budget
We estimate it will take us 80 engineering-hours to complete the deliverables.
Our standard rate, which comprises of our engineers' salaries, infrastructure costs, office rent, accounting and taxes is 100 EUR per hour.
We pay our people well because they are both skilled and exceptionally experienced in the industry. And last but not least, because we respect them and want them to feel good and appreciated while working on Cardano.
## License
The entire outcome of this project will be open-sourced under Apache License 2.0.
We minted the first Cardano native token in history: nutcoin. We have implemented the native asset support to