Last updated 4 years ago
Colombian farmers earn very little. people die of hunger in Colombia. investors are currently unable to trade agricultural digital assets
Farmers receive token rewards for their work. people will have food. enable investors and individuals to trade agricultural digital assets
This is the total amount allocated to tokenize agricultural products.
Farmers receive token rewards for their work. people will have food. enable investors and individuals to trade agricultural digital assets
The idea is proposed by my family: we are 3 brothers and our mother: we are Lawyer, engineer and programmer, NFT artist and Cardano traders.
What do you want to achieve with the project?
The objective of tokenizing agricultural products is to be developed to:
a) reward with tokens the work of farmers who in Colombia receive pitiful payments for their work.
b) allocate a part of the tokens to provide daily food to all people in Colombia who need food and cannot buy it. In Colombia it is regrettable that children die of hunger in La Guajira.
c) That the peasants of Colombia can sell their agricultural products without intermediaries to anyone in the world. Currently most of the profits go to intermediaries and farmers receive pitiful payments and buyers have to pay more money for products because intermediaries significantly increase the price of these products.
What is this project about?
This project has two main parts:
a) For Colombian farmers: they will be able to tokenize their agricultural products and sell them directly to buyers without intermediaries, through non-fungible tokens of a unique special type, designed to sell physical consumer products (currently there are no non-fungible tokens for said physical products of consumption). In addition, farmers will sell their tokenized products through smart contracts and buyers will be able to guarantee compliance with the delivery of the product a number of fungible tokens called "Colombia agriculture tokens".
b) for traders of digital assets: they will be able to trade with the fungible token called "Colombia agriculture token" and then voluntarily one can be created for each country. Thus being able to invest in said token and gain appreciation. When a trader or investor purchases the Colombian agriculture fungible token through a smart contract, a percentage of the purchased token will be sent to a fund to reward Colombian farmers. In the same way, when someone buys the Fungible token of agriculture from Colombia, through a Smart Contract, a number of Tokens will be sent to a special fund according to the amount purchased, to guarantee the food of the people who need it in Colombia.
c) on a voluntary basis, in the future the scope of the project may be extended to the rest of the world; so that farmers from other countries can also be benefited by selling their tokenized agricultural products directly and Fungible tokens called agriculture tokens could be created by each country and farmers and people who need food from other countries of the world can also receive rewards and food. Clarifying that the purchase of agricultural products from the peasants of Colombia can be made by anyone from anywhere in the world. Similarly, anyone in the world may trade with fungible tokens called "Colombia agriculture tokens" or additional ones that are created, except where there are legal limitations to do so.
Novel contributions of this project:
By working towards the achievement of the objectives of this project, the following novel contributions to the crypto ecosystem are obtained, especially to the development of the Cardano ecosystem:
a) Currently there are no non-fungible tokens for the sale denomination of physical consumer products such as agricultural products, so the type of non-fungible token of a special and unique nature must be created for this kind of use.
b) establish a guarantee mechanism in the fulfillment of smart contracts through which farmers are going to sell their tokenized products, so that there is a guarantee in fungible tokens of the project in the event of a possible non-fulfillment of the delivery of the products bought.
c) the fungible token of "Colombia agriculture" would be the first token in the world through which if someone buys it, they are rewarding the peasants and providing food to the people who need it.
d) The project also contemplates that VOLUNTARILY it will be able to finance initiatives whose objective is that the political decisions and the approval of the norms of each State, are carried out using decentralized governance; which means that using the technology of digital assets and DEFIs, the people are asked the decisions that politicians must make and the decision they determine is mandatory and that is how the politicians vote. So that in the future all political decisions and the approval of norms will be determined by the peoples and not by politicians; which would benefit the world, overcoming the inefficiency and moral deviation of politicians in making decisions that affect the people.
Digital deliverables of the project:
a) A digital platform through which Colombian peasants can tokenize their agricultural products, sell them and make Smart Contracts and verify their compliance using technology and computer programs. In addition, through said platform it is possible to trade the Fungibles tokens, called "Colombia agriculture tokens" and then if it is decided to expand the project it can also be traded with the agriculture tokens of each country.
NOTE: For which a fee can be charged that is a small percentage for purchases made by users of agricultural products (this fee will be charged only to buyers of agricultural products and NOT to farmers) and a small percentage by way of Fee for trading Fungible tokens, to be allocated to the project.
b) develop the digital products that are described in the chapter "novel contributions of this project" specifically the numerals: a): special and unique non-fungible tokens to sell physical consumer products such as agricultural products, b): establish a guarantee mechanism for the fulfillment of smart contracts through which farmers will sell their tokenized products; which means leaving as a guarantee in case of non-compliance with the delivery of the products by the peasants an amount of the Fungible token of agriculture of Colombia, c) voluntarily help so that numeral d) is possible: that political decisions and the approval of the regulations are determined directly by the sovereign peoples, which means that they are consulted through technology about the decisions that must be taken and are mandatory for politicians to comply with.
NOTE: the digital products deliverable and described in this project, will begin to be built or the actions for their construction will be carried out, from the moment this project is approved and the financing is disbursed to it and access and availability of resources is obtained. disbursed; and taking into account that said deliverable digital products described will be made in any order until said disbursed resources are exhausted, which means that if the money is not enough for all the deliverable digital products, it will NOT be possible to fulfill the delivery of those for which no resources left. In addition, a delivery date for digital products is not determined and any change can be made to the project at any time; which means that deliverable digital products can have partial or total modifications: from being partially delivered to not being delivered and having modifications such as deleting some or adding others.
It will try to do the best management in order to deliver all the digital products described in the shortest time possible to make the project a reality with the greatest possible positive impact, taking into account the challenges of making it a reality and the risks that may arise and the considerations described here.
Results management
To know and know the Management of the results of this project, the SOCIAL IMPACT OF THE PROJECT AND THE SWOT ANALYSIS must be taken into account:
a) THE SOCIAL IMPACT OF THE PROJECT: This project significantly impacts peasants or farmers, people in general for food security because they need food and do not have the money to buy it, all people as users of purchase of agricultural products, to the ecosystem of digital assets, especially to Cardano and to make the world a better world through the application of digital technology and decentralized governance.
By pursuing objectives that generate a great social impact, this project must first be measured by the generation of said positive social impact and then it can be managed mainly by:
b) THE SWOT ANALYSIS: It is an analysis to evaluate the health, the present and the future of the project; By establishing the WEAKNESSES, THREATS, STRENGTHS AND OPPORTUNITIES of the project, it allows us to know the roadmap that must be followed in order to achieve success in its implementation.
The team of this project is made up of the proponents: which is made up of a family made up of 3 brothers and our mother. We are: Lawyer with experience in the public sector and studies of trading, stock market and financial analysis, Specialist engineer in computer security, also programmer and digital artist of NFT. All connoisseurs of the digital crypto asset ecosystem and Cardano fans.
The idea is proposed by my family: we are 3 brothers and our mother: we are Lawyer, engineer and programmer, NFT artist and Cardano traders.