Last updated 3 years ago
$200 Trillion in the real estate market is currently inaccessible to many millions of willing investors, we can solve that with blockchain
We are proposing a tokenized network built on the Cardano blockchain, where anyone can invest in the property at any level, worldwide.
This is the total amount allocated to Tokenized Property Investment DApp.
We are proposing a tokenized network built on the Cardano blockchain, where anyone can invest in the property at any level, worldwide.
We are a team of:
-Property Expert
-Sustainable and Environmental Engineer
We have the experience and know-how
By adopting the HOME network, we are able to dispute profit back to the end-users, thus creating a healthier environment where a large number of sums are no longer locked up in individual accounts, allowing more/better property to be built.
We can achieve this by doing the following.
An introduction of a HOME token, where property and assets are quantified into a currency, making disruption possible for the first time into many shares. This token system will also allow communication as voting rights to make decisions that have the end-users at heart, ending the practice of extreme profit-driven constructions.
This token system can also adopt facilities such as recreational, gym and hotel, allowing everyone who holds and spends the HOME token benefits not dissimilar to a membership.
HOME token platform will also be used to retrofit the current rental system, where payment can be made on HOME, in return driving the need for HOME token deeper, building a strong foundation where the HOME network can start building and acquiring its own property and assets. This will also allow tenants who feel they are forever stuck in the rental cycle a chance to climb the homeownership ladder even during in rental period.
We foresee a future where housing is basic human rights, everyone can enjoy a high standard of living no matter the class or location and as a team of architect, innovator, property rental and sustainability expert, we believe we have the passion and know-how to achieve this task.
We hope you enjoyed this presentation and have a lot of questions for us to answer, we would like to invite you into the first step of a better future.
Welcome. HOME
50000We are a team of:
-Property Expert
-Sustainable and Environmental Engineer
We have the experience and know-how