Last updated 4 years ago
There is a steep learning curve to implement user-centric applications that support privacy and verifiable evidence on Cardano.
Easy to use and integrate SDK that does the heavy lifting by enabling developers to add privacy, security and traceability in Cardano apps.
This is the total amount allocated to Build user-centric apps on Cardano.
Easy to use and integrate SDK that does the heavy lifting by enabling developers to add privacy, security and traceability in Cardano apps.
Tens of successfully implemented blockchain projects, pilots for the Dutch government, winner in Odyssey hackathon, huge tech expertise.
Detailed plan with timeline and financials:
* Smart contract specification - 2 weeks/man, USD 2900.
* Trail hash composition specification - 2 weeks/man, USD 2900.
* Test infrastructure implementation - Cardano nodes and gateway setup - 1 week/man, USD 1450.
* Smart contracts implementation and tests - 4 weeks/man, USD 5800.
* Development of Cardano adapter implementation in ReCheck Data Exchange Facilitator - 3 weeks/man, USD 4350.
* Transaction management adaptation and testing - 3 weeks/man, USD 4350.
* Client library adaptation and tests - 2 weeks/man, USD 2900.
* Documentation and demo setup - 2 weeks/man, USD 2900.
* Project management and team lead (ongoing supervision and communication) - 1 weeks/man, USD 1450.
* Interacting and coordinating with Cardano community to refine the development tools - 3 weeks/man, voluntary work.
Tens of successfully implemented blockchain projects, pilots for the Dutch government, winner in Odyssey hackathon, huge tech expertise.