Last updated 3 years ago
Catalyst offers limited funding. Winning does't guarantee successful implementation of a project. Proposers need follow-on funding.
Innovatio can be a commercial complement of Catalyst organized to help 100s & 1000s of proposal expecting funding by the Cardano treasury.
This is the total amount allocated to Crowdfunding Platform.
Innovatio can be a commercial complement of Catalyst organized to help 100s & 1000s of proposal expecting funding by the Cardano treasury.
Team of experienced professionals in Startups, Marketing and Tech (AWS, Cyber-security and UIX) with experience in Ts, PostgreSQL and React.
If you want to support this proposal, please consider voting for our first proposition in Fund3 =
What is The Innovatio Founder?
The Innovatio Founder will be a limited liability company operating a crowdfunding platform. Initally organised to serve the 100's & 1000's of Cardano community proposals that have been screened and funded by the Cardano Treasury. And an even larger number of viable proposals that will have been screened but not funded during the coming year(s).
In effect, The Innovatio Founder may be considered as a commercial venture extension of Project Catalyst. In time, the platform will serve entrepreneurs and investors from a much broader market. (P2P Loans, Equity and Convertible Notes)
Catalyst funded projects will be driven to begin sourcing additional funding – almost as soon after they are funded by the Cardano community treasury. The Innovatio Founder crowdfunding platform will be the first place to seek the funds they need. They could even make an almost seamless transition from one Catalyst platform to the commercial platform. Then work on refining their pitch – which would require much greater emphasis on the business case, as well as the idea.
We are at the stage of crossing the bridge from Concept to Commitment.
Working hard on our MVP. (See Attachment of Start Up Development Phases)
How are we Different than Other Proposals?
The Innovatio Founder has tools to help entrepreneurs who become our members to build their case to a commercial investment grade standard.
1) When a Project Catalyst proposal is funded, interested proposers can be enrolled in The Innovatio Founder crowdfunding platform for a modest fee. Their project will be listed for crowdfunding on the The Innovatio Founder website. Thus become visible to a wider group of investors than just on the Project Catalyst platform.
Funding by Project Catalyst serves as validation for the idea. Other potential investors will appreciate the value of the Project Catalyst selection and funding process. A great headstart towards attracting outside investors.
2) If a proposal is not funded by the Cardano community, and the proposers are serious, they can search for other sources of finance and apply for listing on The Innovatio Founder platform.
3) If a proposer is not funded by Project Catalyst and recognizes it needs help, the proposers (or new entrepreneurs looking for an approach to Cardano) can join the The Innovatio Founder community and seek help. Help that is more robust than possible within the limited space of a discord server populated by people busy focusing on improving the Project Catalyst process.
Due Diligence – Different than the Project Catalyst process, other methods of raising funds will definitely involve and require that the entrepreneurs complete a due diligence review. The Innovatio Founder can help our members complete the process. An example of a due diligence questionnaire is shown as an attachment.
The Innovatio Founder also aims to help the greater community of emerging businesses, whether within or outside of the cryptocurrency or Cardano communities. To find the capital needed to move to the next stage of growth towards success - through the crowdfunding process.
Eventually, The Innovatio Founder crowdfunding platform will provide crowd-lending, equity-based funding and marketplace funding (combining individual investors with corporate or institutional investors). Our range of services will grow step by step, as we satisfy legal and regulatory compliance issues. Which take time.
By funding The Innovatio Founder proposal, the Cardano community will help The Innovatio Founder to cross from Conceptual - to Start-up phase.
A successful launch will help many of the funded and unfunded Project Catalyst proposals - our initial customers - to make that crossing as well.
What is the The Innovatio Founder Difference?
Cardano's innovative blockchain technology differentiates our crowdfunding platform from traditional database driven platforms. All money (fiat or cryptocurrency) that come into the The Innovatio Founder platform are converted to ADA and from then on, controlled by decentralized smart contracts. The Innovatio Founders do not control the funds. The Innovatio Founder are responsible for:
• designing and maintaining the platform protocol
• creating and auditing smart contracts
• insuring for associated risks of loss
• managing The Innovatio Founder brand
• marketing The Innovatio Founder platform
• promoting The Innovatio Founder platform
• creation of new platformfeatures
• regulatory compliance for The Innovatio Founder
• ensuring smooth and continuous operations of the platform
• solving The Innovatio Founder platform problems
• helping to resolve disputes (as a neutral party) and in general
• providing service to The Innovatio Founder stakeholders, the people and institutions that use the platform.
Smart Contracts
Smart-Contracts deployed on the Cardano blockchain control each step of the project funding cycle. From initial deposit to their subsequent distribution. Native Cardano blockchain features offer an efficient, transparent and safe service.
Innovatio Founder envisions a requirement for those who received funds to make regular reports about their progress and problems. A hash of the reports are posted on the Cardano blockchain. Decryption keys are only available to those who have funded the projects.
Not every Project Catalyst proposer has business start-up experience. A community of fellow founders and business start-up advisory information will be of great value to them. For this, we develop educational content, such as videotutorials, images, podcasts, etc.
The Innovatio Founder platform will offer tools and links to resources like developers for members of its community to help plan and grow their businesses. Whether they have already received funding or are preparing a funding application or just need help managing their businesses.
Social Networks
50000Team of experienced professionals in Startups, Marketing and Tech (AWS, Cyber-security and UIX) with experience in Ts, PostgreSQL and React.