Last updated 4 years ago
Web developers and entrepreneurs want to build on top of Cardano. Lack of tutorials and boilerplates cause a steep curve to get started.
Create a javascript-centric hub of resources for web developers and entrepreneurs looking to build successful dapps/businesses.
This is the total amount allocated to Hub for Javascript Entrepreneurs.
Create a javascript-centric hub of resources for web developers and entrepreneurs looking to build successful dapps/businesses.
Senior engineer at Trusty (Social Real Estate). Previously, founded an e-sports betting platform and TL @ WaystoCap (African B2B - YC).
Typescript/Javascript is the most popular language on the web, by targeting web developers and web entrepreneurs, it serves as the best entry point for adoption of Cardano.
Tutorials and boilerplates serve as the best learning tools for beginner and advanced developers.
We will use a hub and spoke model to drive user acquisition. Through free resources on Medium, Youtube and Github we will drive traffic to our website where we will have even more free and paid content as well as email subscriptions to drive recurrence.
As we continue to grow our catalogue of written, video and code resources, our product will continue to grow a network of user acquisition channels and a brand with value.
Show us the money
Human Talent To Develop code boilerplates, videos and tutorials: 40,000$
This is a part-time salary for a year for 1 developer.
The content will range from free and simple like building your own Wallet App to paid and more complex involving Smart Contracts.
I would also love to create an in-house payment system for our users to pay in ADA for our content.
Smart Contract Security Audits: 4,000$
I would like to include third-party security audits on some of the paid smart contracts we create. We would be able to share their findings as part of our resources as well. I think 4k$ is a low ask since these companies have pretty high prices, but i'd like to have a small reserve dedicated for this.
Infrastructure spend for 1 year: 6,000$
We estimate experimenting and long-term hosting will cost us at least 500 USD/month.
Main drivers of cost will be experimenting in the cloud and hosting a cardano node.
Example: A small cluster of 3 m5.large nodes on AWS costs 207.60 USD/Month to run.
Getting on the road
Disclaimer: Our roadmap depends on the release of Marlowe-js.
One month:
Our first month goal will be to get our initial website up and github organization. On the product side we'd like to develop an AWS CDK project to launch a cardano cluster and connect to it.
Users Acquired on our Email List: 20
Three Month:
Our three month goal will be to develop code and written resources around building full stack projects:
1. cardano wallet
2. Send and receive money
3. Basic smart contracts (i.e. full stack apps using examples given on the Typescript Marlow Playground)
Users Acquired on our Email List: 200
Six month:
Develop more resources around building full stack projects with more advanced functionality.
Develop our first paid resource.
Develop video resources.
Develop in-house payment system for users to pay for tutorials in ADA.
Users Acquired on our Email List: 1000
Our IP policy will consist of free resources in MIT License. Paid resources will use a single-use, multi-use licensing structure.
Defining success
Success for this project is first building up the adoption of Cardano in the web development space which will be quantified by the number of resources viewed and success stories we create. And second, making sustainable revenue to continue growing the project which would be 5-10k MRR.
Senior engineer at Trusty (Social Real Estate). Previously, founded an e-sports betting platform and TL @ WaystoCap (African B2B - YC).