Last updated 5 months ago
You need to run a full Cardano node to interact with the blockchain information using command line interface.
We would like to build a lightweight command line interface on top of Blockfrost, API as a Service, saving developers' time and resources.
This is the total amount allocated to Nodeless command line interface.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
We would like to build a lightweight command line interface on top of Blockfrost, API as a Service, saving developers' time and resources.
We are the creators of Creating services and tools lowering barriers to entry for developers is our bread and butter.
We want to build a lightweight command line interface that would be similar to `cardano-cli`, which comes with the Cardano blockchain node, but instead of using the full node, it will fetch the information from a remote Blockfrost API.
Below are some examples of how the CLI could look like.
$ blockfrost-cli get blocks latest --testnet
time: 1614764256
height: 2372520
hash: 5136dfa92ee724b9455eb99df46490498542290e0d564609b549dbd9bac58b55
slot: 20395040
epoch: 117
epoch_slot: 220640
slot_leader: ShelleyGenesis-6df3e1b4b8a84c63
size: 3
tx_count: 0
output: null
fees: null
block_vrf: vrf_vk1576pm8ypccff6tj9w6rnpphzqep5gf8zqwl5k0rmkzfdva34ynnqrk086n
previous_block: abb2b09467eb82cd464e51fc92351dc2c74140f6a1d0ea62d31b728c7218ad5d,
It could leverage serialization libs to create transactions.
$ blockfrost-cli create tx > my.tx
Input address: addr1âŠ
Do you want to manually choose UTXOs? no
Output address: addr1âŠ
Amount: 1000000 lovelaces
Tx created: 806d9ebfe3baa58943204166dcd7b8671fc289452c23c4d04b62ea24ca532db0
## Roadmap, deliverables and performance
We want to deliver the CLI that matches the full potential of the Blockfrost API in 3 months after the funding.
The main KPI is going to be the number of downloads. The long-term determining the project success is set to be more than 1,000 downloads in 6 months timeframe following up the release.
## Relevant experience
Five Binaries is an infrastructure development company. We're Cardano pioneers - with the first Cardano block minted on an aeroplane, first stake pool on the ITN and the first Shelley transaction on the mainnet.
We are the creators of We have also experience with deploying Yoroi backend and contributed several changes to the backend itself too.
We are trusted by customers such as Emurgo, Trezor or Ergo Foundation. To get in touch or find more information about us, please visit
## Budget
We estimate it will take us 120 engineering-hours to complete the deliverables.
Our standard company rate, which comprises of our engineers' salaries, infrastructure costs, office rent, accounting and taxes is 100 EUR per hour.
We pay our people well because they are both skilled and exceptionally experienced in the industry. And last but not least, because we respect them and want them to feel good and appreciated while working on Cardano.
## License
The entire outcome of this project will be open sourced under Apache License 2.0.
We are the creators of Creating services and tools lowering barriers to entry for developers is our bread and butter.