Last updated 3 years ago
We live/operate in physical/digital silos that limit the flow in and out of social groups and devs need a fast track lane to teams/tools.
Create a contextual microcosmic space to onboard devs and show the way to the playground. The Garden the self-identification center to zoo.
This is the total amount allocated to These Walled Gardens - DevThemePark.
Create a contextual microcosmic space to onboard devs and show the way to the playground. The Garden the self-identification center to zoo.
Independent Scholar with a focus on social networks, linguistics, and ideaflow.
The answer to this challenge is found in the icon that represents the challenge. We see the world divided, the bottom presents all of catalyst, and the top half represents the "developer "playground". In the top half of the image is an "economy" or an environment. We have "inhabitants" and then natural resources, and renewable energy. There is also transportation, air balloon and automobile. There is also a "house" which represents safety, security, and a place to rest.
If you would like to help fund this proposal independently of Voting, send ada to:
We will create a thematic based experience that everyone can identify with.
Will add additional proposers and incorporate other proposals in solution.
This proposal is also looking to work with Gimbalabs and use their Cardano Starter Kits and add a theme to them and use them as a "digital escape room", which are emerging as great online and remote teaching methods. The escape room is designed to engage users after they visit the landing page mentioned in this proposal: and have spoke to their team already.
The escape room, The Walled Garden., is the beginning and onboarding, educating, and self-certification mechanism.
This "digital escape room", can and will be repurposed for each fund, each challenge, and for every "event"
These digital escape rooms can be created easily with google forms/sheets.
Here with these sheets/forms, we can engage teachers, writers, designers, of any skill level.
Will incorporate this proposal as well
Independent Scholar with a focus on social networks, linguistics, and ideaflow.