Last updated 3 years ago
Information about Project Catalyst is difficult to digest for many.
Create a series of info graphics that visually describe Project Catalyst.
This is the total amount allocated to Infographics - Series 1.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Create a series of info graphics that visually describe Project Catalyst.
Project Proposer, art and data director: Philip Khoo
Graphic Designer: Evgeniya Tranevskaya
I envision an initial series of four infographics covering:
Delivery can be done through a custom website and/or into the community Github Repo ( with a 2-3 week time frame.
Please have a look at Evgeniyas work on Instagram for an indication of style of Infographics.
Outlook: Upon successful completion further series addressing visual communication needs of Project Catalyst will be proposed and undertaken. The direction can be done with consultation with the community on what information needs visualizing.
Success metric: That four infographics are created and made available to the community.
As an extension to this proposal I am conducting an experiment in crowd funding to expand this project. Details can be found:
800Project Proposer, art and data director: Philip Khoo
Graphic Designer: Evgeniya Tranevskaya