Last updated 4 years ago
How can we increase Catalyst proposal strength?
This is the total amount allocated to More wood behind fewer arrows.
I saw many good challenges set, but they did not get enough strong proposals. Attention needs to be focused! F3 set 3 challenges, F4 had 6…
F3 and F4 Dapps challenges got over 100 proposals each, while most others got 1-3 dozen. A single F6 challenge will be successful with 200+.
By reducing the number of challenges to 1, I expect all the other metrics of engagement on the ideascale platform - number of proposals, number of votes, kudos, and comments on those proposals - to increase, in aggregate; and the IOHK team will see the perceived quality of the top voted proposals improve.
My Challenge title at the top, and this proposal, is 'meta.'
"More wood behind fewer arrows" refers to the idea of reducing the number of challenges to 1 (because "prioritization is only working when it hurts" :) I don't really mind what the challenge is, as long as there is only one.
But since there were already many good ones, instead of setting new challenges, I propose to double down on the previously under-engaged challenges.
My specific proposal for the previous challenge to double down on is:
*F4: Proposer Outreach*
Since these funds are sequential, they can be organized recursively, and a single challenge to develop and execute more proposer outreach will produce a positive feedback loop for the next one.