How can we mobilize the community to solve local problems using Cardano, through a Local Community Center model supported by the CF?
3 funded proposals are already completed. Dive into the total milestones, comparing complete, in-progress, and to be completed milestones across this project set.
Awareness and education are key to adoption. A large and engaged community is one of Cardano's USPs – let's leverage and build on it!
The different LCC categories:
Contribution of the Cardano Foundation and team members:
If implemented successfully, the proposal, respectively solution will be introduced as part of the new Ambassadors program.
How success looks like
Have 2-3 Cardano Local Community Centers around the world for development, DeFi and/or Business purposes in 2021.
Key metric to measure
To assess ROI of this challenge we will ask ourselves:
Did we mobilize the community to solve local problems?
Guiding questions
Potential directions
To drive adoption, Cardano representatives and advocates from around the world should have the possibility to represent Cardano via a simple but controlled framework and receive some basic resources (such as education material, toolkits, playbooks etc.) to engage, educate and develop new participants in the ecosystem without compromising our brand equity.
The license model of TEDx (only related to events) can serve as a reference model.
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