Last updated 4 years ago
Implementing Cardano in society requires also many non ICT technical aspects: legal, political, stakeholders postions, etc
By use of an interdisciplinary scientific approach and a powerful network of strategist, political scientists.
This is the total amount allocated to Adaption and integration of Cardano.
By use of an interdisciplinary scientific approach and a powerful network of strategist, political scientists.
Strategic legal, political advisor in many governmental institutions and research organizations.
Adaption and integration of Cardano in the legal & political EU member states
Personal intro of the 'Brainchain' project.
As a former legal, financial, strategic and political advisor of several national and EU based institutions as well as a lawyer for market companies, my activated core team and I immediately saw the possibilities of Cardano. We also see the enormous amount of work to be done to get this technology integrated in society on a non-technical level. This both on government and societal level. Both in the man made concept of -state- and -market- . We already started to activate a broad network working in all kinds of vital positions in the Netherlands and internationally to make Cardano a succes. Our approach is not focused on the technical aspects but on adopting the Cardano philosophy and the possibilities it brings to established institutions. Moreover these institutions know they need to change too but haven't got the solution: we do. Cardano can act as a very good sub-system in the current overall sociological-economical and legal system. We have specific ideas how to implement this and can make the connection between various parties.
One of the main principles, Charles spoke about in many of his interviews is the constant dynamic renewal of the cardano system and its process(es) of the development itself.
The interdisciplinary aspect of a highly scientific technical system is something which all the stakeholders: the founders, investors, and staff of the 3 pillars of the Cordana organisation and its international partners, would embrace looking at the first sentence of this text.
Therefore we have a proposal that is working exactly according to those principles we both use in our scientific approach. In one of the interviews Charles speaks about the fact he doesn't like to talk with lawyers. I would say embrace them because they can do more than just the legal technicalities. Certainly if you work with legal researchers who are connected to all kinds of other scientific fields. Think about sociology of Law, psychology of law, philosophy of law, etc. They can add a lot, certainly if you think about the fact that many of them work from a 360 degree point of view and are very creative and think in a logic way.
Current time: more perspectives and realities
The time we now live in is an ideal timeframe to research (different) perspectives and connect to them, on actually any subject at hand. If you can mentally erase the current crisis event, you will realize there are more realities than you would think of. In the first place looking at numbers and other data; without references they have little meaning but nevertheless it can create psychological effects. So, at this moment we live in a time of quite a lot of realities co-existing and sometimes colliding at the same time. An ideal time to help each other.
We discussed this above phenomena with for instance one of our contacts (a professor in NY) who might be called one of the heavy weight champions of science and making it true in real life; business technically spoken but also in terms of some produced names in both the artist world but also in the political arena and main stream media. He agreed we could continue with this specific project. For us this was the starting point to promote the benefits of Cardano. So actually we already started with our project on our own expense. Next step is to invest more time managing the different parties and organizations which are (also) needed to accept and implement Cardano from the non technical point of view in our society.
Cardano implementation
As far as we can analyze (input retrieved from several computer science professors), the Cardano system may be the (or one of the) superior technical blockchain base systems, there is out there. But technical superiority and eventually market dominance are not the only key factors of success.
Only 1 perspective (or reality) of the many that exist is that of the different stakeholder positions (interest) within the legal-philosophical concepts: -state- and -market- are an important one to take into account to become the industrial standard. Just to give 1 example of that: The current sociological system is mainly economical driven and for instance Cardano presents a system plan that it can make transactions smarter/more efficient. Apart from the efficiency benefits, this process will jeopardize a lot of positions too since there is always a cost and profit side to efficiency. This is only 1 example highlighting 1 aspect/perspective/variable. There are many more. For instance: a recent talk with a national regulator of the central bank in The Netherlands showed they will probably want to use the technique to take more control. It would be good for Cardano to think about the effects and aims for its users. The same goes for the implementation of the decision making elements of the cardano system in current ICT based government systems in for instance The Netherlands.
But besides 'problem variables' there are also 'opportunity variables' (a first proposal for the change of the Catalyst Fund 4 idealscale structure: do not only think and describe in terms of problems (one of the conclusions of various scientific socio-psychological studies).
We have talked to several computer science faculties from Universities which are highly interested in cooperating with blockchain based technologies like Cardano. Working together on several projects could lead to a boost in confidence of the system, helping easy implementation into the rest of society.
Given the late notice we received to add our proposal to Ideascale time is limited to lay out the different steps in detail to help Cardano get connected into our society besides just marketing and technical implementation.
Main goals of the time we want to invest is to get Cardano on the radar within:
-4 computer science AI-lead projects of The University of Amsterdam
-Get financial regulators interested
-Convince national politicians to implement cardano or parts of it, into society by strategic lobby
-Make Cardano 1 of the 'tools' to enrich the standarisation in the EU and the geo political power balance regarding the future payment methods (i.e. digital Euro).
We know we will succeed since we already got authorization of several high profiled individuals and have access to financial and political networks. As soon as more ICT-related opportunities come around we will work together with a few ICT business solutions companies.
The following stakeholders are a few examples of the people we are approaching:
-political strategists;
-influential scientists and institutions;
-One of the biggest VC banks worldwide;
-National and EU Politicians;
-Several ICT consultant companies;
-Individual companies who want to use Cardano for their supply chain transparency.
-Governmental organizations of which many are now using still 'old' technology;
Achievements and budget
Like written before: we want to invest more time and for that we ask investments. Since we fully understand that also the more strategic consultancy time has to be attached to achievements we thought of milestones that need to be reached.
Therefore we made a first scheme in terms of time we will spend and the sub goals which we want to reach within the set timeframes. This scheme will extend in more sub goals. Bear also in mind that we already spend several hundreds of hours investigating what the different elements are of this new technology.
1 Usage of the Cardano system for 1 big fashion brands which is leading in making its supply chain visibly by the blockchain technology.
2 To get at least 1 out of four (4) specific, identified scientific AI projects of the University of Amsterdam, using Cardano.
3 Lobby in the EU for using Cardano for helping to make the euro digital (boost the report of the Blockchain for Europe foundation).
4Transfer of a current AI company with a own token from their current blockchain infra to Cardano.
5 Concrete steps that will lead to introduction within financial regulator institutions in the EU.
10000Strategic legal, political advisor in many governmental institutions and research organizations.