Last updated 4 years ago
As a person new to catalyst, I want to know the results/status of previous Funds.
The F1 PDF was a good start, but is now out of date.
IdeaScale is a good platform for starting up a fund, but funded proposals should live in a Cardano Foundation space.
This is the total amount allocated to Beautiful and clear results page(s).
IdeaScale is a good platform for starting up a fund, but funded proposals should live in a Cardano Foundation space.
I started the project, a Github Pages website to provide an open textbook for the FontForge font editor.
I propose to create a Github Pages hosted website; a repo at and a website build with Jeykll at
With the funds, I would work with a web designer-developer and project manager to create the website and make sure it is regularly updated by each funded project, over a period of 12 months.
36000I started the project, a Github Pages website to provide an open textbook for the FontForge font editor.