Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano should be worthy of baking the unbank but people in several countries of the world CAN'T use their own fiat to buy ADA yet
Defining, in coordination with Cardano, a decentralized platform (not only tech) that helps entrepreneurs to create ADA/local fiat exchanges
This is the total amount allocated to WorldWide ADA/local fiat possible.
Defining, in coordination with Cardano, a decentralized platform (not only tech) that helps entrepreneurs to create ADA/local fiat exchanges
I'm a CS Engineer and also I have a diploma in Biz Management. 20+ yrs of experience as a PM, Biz Analyst, Consultant in many Multinationals
In summary, this project addresses the necessity of allowing people of every country to buy ADA with their own local fiat, that's a fundamental step in order to allow ADA to bank the unbanked. The project will begin with many interviews of knowledgeable people (many from the Cardano ecosystem) in order to get clarity of the possibilities (tech and nontech) of this support platform, to get an initial scope of what is possible to do, in what timeframes and it's needed resources.
Let's begin with an Analogy: the initial idea is to conceptualize something similar to what Elon Musk did many years ago in order not to have problems with car dealerships: he created a platform that will sell his cars (a revolutionary idea at the time). For this project, I transform the idea to conceptualize a Cardano-supported decentralized network of global entrepreneurs that helps these entrepreneurs so they can more easily set-up their exchanges in which ADA (and the Cardano ecosystem) is the focus. The scope and conditions of this supporting will be researched in this project.
Why? As can be seen in this report of the Library of the Congress (, in several countries the cryptocurrencies have different legal status/problems, which discourages entrepreneurs and also makes it difficult to generate a local exchange to buy ADA with fiat, given that if this entrepreneur set up a local fiat exchange he will mainly focus on BTC or ETH, ADA will be not a prioritized Cryptocoin. Then this project aims to define a supporting structure that will impact these entrepreneurs and will make ADA one of the first cryptos to include in their future exchange.
If this supporting structure impacts many entrepreneurs worldwide, it will allow the Cardano ecosystem to address the current concentration of big exchanges and also the proliferation of coins that gets promoted much more their own Crypto, such as Binance's BNB,'s CRO, and the rumored future crypto of Coinbase. How? we will have many exchanges that support ADA/fiat in order to be part of the network Cardano can define its quality parameters/functionalities in order to be part of the group of Cardano supported exchanges.
As previously stated, the project has an important but reduced focus, it only seeks to explore the idea and define its scope, which will be done mainly through interviews with the necessary people in the Cardano ecosystem. With all the feedback we'll be able to conceptualize, define and formalize the idea and scope of this support platform and, as a result, have a clear understanding of what can be done in this regard, to address that in future catalyst funds.
Several ideas must be validated in this project:
1.- Having a marketplace of ADA focused exchanges
2.-Having a separate legal entity that helps (technically or legally) the formation of ADA/fiat exchanges in each country.
3.- Generate an Open Source SW to support future ADA/Fiat exchanges.
After having the scope conceptualized by some peer review, those initial definitions will be shared with entrepreneurs who, already have established exchanges or are looking to set-up an exchange in their countries. The idea is to get feedback from them and, also to explore new ways of supporting them.
One of the KPIs we can define is (for example) the number of entrepreneurs who are interested in the idea and decide to sign up on a mailing list to know more in the future.
3000I'm a CS Engineer and also I have a diploma in Biz Management. 20+ yrs of experience as a PM, Biz Analyst, Consultant in many Multinationals