Last updated 3 years ago
How do we achieve greater involvement at multiple levels.
Have any of you used DuoLingo? It encourages language learning with reminders and rewards. Have any of used a weight loss app?
This is the total amount allocated to Incentivized Participation.
Have any of you used DuoLingo? It encourages language learning with reminders and rewards. Have any of used a weight loss app?
I have used DuoLingo and similar reward based apps. I work in healthcare.
Have also used health monitoring apps.
So far we have a great Telegram service for communication, but nothing is holding us accountable. There should be an app on everyone's phone that will allow us to easily vote and video conference, but also remind us with Townhalls, and give us a small amount of ADA for daily participation, even just to read a new proposal, or comment. Something similar to what DODGE has become.
1000 ADA to distribute as rewards to participants.
9000 To hire a programmer to build the app/currency (DANO) that will remind us of all the things that we can participate in, vote on, and then incentivize the experience. It will be used in the app created that is cross mobile platform, yet secure for messaging.
3 Months: Hired 1 programmer
6 Months: Have a working app on all Mobile platforms first (app store).
12 Months: Have 1000% more involvement, simply with a daily reminder or message from the app.
10000I have used DuoLingo and similar reward based apps. I work in healthcare.
Have also used health monitoring apps.