Last updated 3 years ago
Much-needed breakthrough innovations can be achieved by incentivizing interactions among people from different backgrounds.
Incentivising interaction among people of different backgrounds (the greater the difference, the bigger the reward) brings about innovations
This is the total amount allocated to Incentivizing Interaction (Phase 2).
Incentivising interaction among people of different backgrounds (the greater the difference, the bigger the reward) brings about innovations
My company supports the Japanese government program called innovation.
We aim to incentivise;
(1) interaction among individuals of different backgrounds (the greater the difference, the bigger the reward)
(2) a project created by individuals of different backgrounds (the greater the difference between the project members, the bigger the reward)
(3) project-funding by Cardano community (the greater the difference among the project members, the bigger the reward)
### Project Phases ###
Phase 1. We requested a funding for hiring a group of programmers (F4)
Phase 2. Programmers will be recruited and will implement a system prototype using the available funding (F5).
Phase 3. Research group will be recruited to examine the dynamics of human behaviour in the incentivised gamification community. (F6)
Phase 4. A stake pool operator will be recruited to help the programmers and the research group for mantaining and improving the system for incentivisation (F7)
Phase 5. Another stake pool operator will be recruited to accrue sufficient ADAs for incentivisation at INDIVIDUAL levels (F8)
Phase 6. Another stake pool operator will be recruited to accrue sufficient ADAs for incentivisation at GROUP levels. (F9)
Phase 7. Another stake pool operator will be recruited to accrue sufficient ADAs for incentivisation at PROJECT levels. (F10)
Phase 8. Another stake pool operator will be recruited to accrue sufficient ADAs for FUNDING PROJECT. (F11)
#### What kind of interaction is incentivised? ####
An emerging body of research indicate the ground-breaking innovations often result from mixing of ideas that are seemingly unrelated to novice minds or even common senses. (I wouldn't go in to the details. Please refer to a research-based book called Rebel Idea by Matthew Syed)
The kind of interaction I hope to incentivise is "diversity" on multiple dimensions.
(1) the interaction between people of diverse backgrounds (e.g. education, vocation, salary, ethnicity, culture, place of residence, political affiliation, philosophy of life… the list is endless).
(2) the interaction between groups of diverse backgrounds (e.g. swimming coach association in Sudan and aerospace foundation in Sweden)
(3) the project conceived and launched by the interactions above
(4) the interaction between the projects of diverse backgrounds
(5) the funding for the projects above
On all dimensions, I would like to implement a system that rewards interactions between diverse backgrounds (i.e. rewarding less for interactions between like-minded people/groups)
### How funds are used? ###
Gamification of cardano community website is something I would like to implement to see if it's sustainable and brings maximal benefits to Cardano community.
### Visions? Goals? ###
Rather than a widely popular MBA approach, I would like to experiment an approach inspired by visionary companies: "interaction for interaction sake". (Please refer to a book called "Built to Last" by James C. Collins and Jerry I. Porras for more details. It's a book based on numerous research and is one of Jeff Bezos' favorite books of all time).,The%20Washington%20Post%20in%202013.
Due to pervasiveness of MBA approach, so many people focus on what derives as a result of interaction. But based on a powerful Harvard research that looked at what brings happiness to people, we probably need to shift our paradigm: it is not job, money, status, or anything external or material, that brings happiness. It's the quality of relationship (i.e. human interaction)
So, I would like to endeavor to implement a system that incentivises "interaction for interaction sake" and improves the quality of interaction. For investors, this may be frustrating, because they only care what comes out of interaction. But it is a well known fact that happy people are more productive and tend to remain so for a longer period of time. So, building a system that promotes interaction and happiness may bring bigger money into their pockets in the long run after all.
### Goal of each phase ###
This is a hard one to answer, because of numerous factors that influence an outcome of each phase of funding. But the project needs to be flexible in doing whatever it can to achieve the goal of incentivising interaction for interaction sake.
My company supports the Japanese government program called innovation.