Last updated 2 years ago
Blockchain technology & the true potential of Cardano is not easy to understand for new members of this ecosystem, limiting their engagement
Produce a video series of entry level interviews discussing Project Catalyst with its members & build a foundation of knowledge to grow from
This is the total amount allocated to Inner-View with KEWW Video Series.
Produce a video series of entry level interviews discussing Project Catalyst with its members & build a foundation of knowledge to grow from
Fire Chief, Father, Project Manager, Instructor, Training Video Producer, Artist, Investor, YouTube Elevator Pitch Video Series Guy
This proposal, completed successfully, will deliver a Ten Video Series that is Project Catalyst Funded, Supported, Focused and Validated for accuracy.
KEWW is the basic knowledge host, who is learning along the way, greeting those who, like him, are transitioning from holding staked ADA to pulling back the curtain and getting more involved. KEWW will be the ignorant non-technical guy who asks the questions that are obvious to aficionados, but need explanation and analogous interpretation to help people along the journey from 'I have no idea what is going on', to 'Okay that makes more sense now, here's the direction to go so I can get involved.'
Think of it this way… you are reading this proposal in real time so it's a pretty sure thing you know more than your parents, your children and even your co-worker in the cubicle next to you about crypto anything. To make the world a better place, you want them to get turned on to this world, and fast forward right into Cardano, specifically getting involved with Project Catalyst.
How many times do you want to have that conversation? Are you topical enough to cover what might be their point of entry… probably not. After this series is available and you have it at your disposal, and you want to teach any one of those people about any of these topics at a basic introductory level, send them the link to the right video and they can go from there. You will have the confidence that they are not following hype videos and end up landing off in a different realm, nor do they have to take the amount of time you took to find the best information available.
Let's take a look at what we will be talking about first:
Focused Video Series:
First Video – Who is KEWW? - This will be an introduction & familiarization video, defining the goals of the following nine videos in the series, featuring a "sit down" with KEWW so that the audience can get comfortable with the host and understand that this series is a high point tour.
Second Video – What is Cardano & Project Catalyst? - Discussion with KEWW and (Someone like, or possibly even, Dor?!) who can walk KEWW through the 30,000' view of what Project Catalyst is, and does, within Cardano.
Third Video – What is a Node / Stake Pool? - Discussion with KEWW and the team at ARMing Cardano, talking about Cardano System Nodes and what building an (affordable) Stake Pool is all about.
Fourth Video – What is a Token on Cardano? - Discussion with KEWW and {TBD} about what tokens are all, how they work and even how to create them on Cardano.
Fifth Video – What is an NFT? - Discussion with KEWW and the team at NFT DAO(?), talking about what NFT's look like on the Cardano Blockchain, and what it takes to create them.
Sixth Video – What are Smart Contracts? - Discussion with KEWW and {TBD}, talking about what smart contracts are, what they will look like on the Cardano Blockchain and why they are so important.
Seventh Video – Who are Goguen, Basho and Voltaire? - Discussion with KEWW and {TBD}, talking about the Cardano Roadmap and why it is important to understand where Cardano is at and what the Project Catalyst role is in moving forward.
Eighth Video – How do you get funded with Project Catalyst? - Discussion with KEWW and {TBD}, talking about the process from successful proposal creation to presentation of your delivered return on intention.
Ninth Video – How do you vote to fund projects in Project Catalyst? - Discussion with KEWW and {TBD} , talking about the voting process from interaction with proposers in the refinement stage through Ideascale to receiving rewards and feeling great for doing your part.
Tenth Video – What are the roles in Project Catalyst? - Discussion with KEWW and {TBD}, talking about the official and unofficial roles throughout the Project Catalyst community.
KEWW will take people along a journey from who he is, to touch base at all the high points and current major considerations of Blockchain technology as it relates to Cardano. In each video, KEWW will be getting an "Inner" view from Project Catalyst players, and have the discussions with experts and learners who are embedded within the Project Catalyst Community and previously funded projects.
The series itself will be as "evergreen" as possible, and production will keep in mind that certain segments will need to be updated or negated all together as technology advances. Even those videos will maintain a level of education though, as to how things led to wherever the future viewer is watching from.
There will be a primary "Cardano Project Catalyst with KEWW" website established that has a front page introduction to the video series, and links to all things that have been generated from them. On one particular page there will be updated KPI metrics, derived from social media analytics, as well as the collected data collected from survey results. This will allow real time (as possible) validation from the community what this product is delivering. This can be an open source of reference material for others developing media content so they can see what networks are generating the biggest buzz.
To aid in drawing more members into the Project Catalyst Ecosystem, KEWW will be present in all major social networking platforms, and join the developing networks growing on top of Cardano itself. This will also generate key metrics to measuring throughput and assist with analytics for other media attempts as the projects grow.
Surveys will be developed for each particular video, which results aggregate into the above mentioned web page. Questions will be included that address the exact data requested from the F5 challenge metrics, like what percent of viewers are active CA's, Town Hall Viewers, Voters, Proposers, referrers, what brought them to the video and what they want out of Project Catalyst. In addition, there will be a follow up feedback survey requested from anyone associated with this project and it's videos, outlining any realized increases of traffic or membership to their projects.
In an attempt to demonstrate my personal "Proof of Work", as my previous video creation material is not available to the public, I have begun an "Elevator Pitch" Video Series. (All linked below and available on the YouTube Page listed above) The intention has been to host simple brief inner-views with current active members in the project who are seeking team members, those who believe they should be sought after and those who need a platform to promote their own proposals. These videos can be linked directly to the proposals as promotional videos (meet the maker type stuff), we take the time to produce and publish the video, so they can take the time to develop and build the new world! The big win in this effort is the beginning of networking throughout the community, as well as dialing in the hardware and software requirements needed. This is an assurance of the best accuracy of the funding requested at this time. An additional KPI bonus for anyone who watches these videos sees the improvement over time, and then see the funded video series. The quality will be the result of this very proud and productive Project Catalyst community effort, from start to finish!
Key KPI Data Results:
Given this open source data is not freely available presently with other projects it is hard to say "this project will generate X number of viewers or Y number of new CA's (yet!). What it will do though is present a fact based data set showing the results of surveys offered/surveys answered, and the results of each compared against the number of views from each video and what the influence is from the KEWW followers in each platform. While this is not my area of expertise, the portion of this funding requested will be available to those professional marketers who can aid in extrapolating the correct data and steer the project in the right direction for increased throughput.
Current networking is developing through creation of the Elevator Pitch Series and many of the individuals to be interviewed are penciled in. Collaboration with other media creators within Cardano and Project Catalyst is already under way, so best practices are being developed. By the time funding is allocated much of the ground work will be completed paving the acceleration straight into video series layout, script/Q&A development and scheduling for all interview and content creation archive build up in the first three months time. The next quarter will be production and editing of all ten videos to ensure steady flow from start to finish and continuity of visual looks. All videos should launch in succession by schedule within a two week period for full marketing effect. Throughout the process, snip video "teasers" (more specifically, pertinent timely information from the unreleased archive) can be released to gain momentum across the platforms. Long term success following the video series release will realize the full development of an active community of media content creators. All members will be intent on helping each other through graphic art, video production tips & techniques, Writing and Editing of content, Marketing value efforts and leads on features for each team.
Anticipated Delivery Dates:
Development of Website and media presence across applicable platforms by July 2021
Continued creation and release of Elevator Pitch videos to promote Project Catalyst, KEWW and dry run all analytical data points and surveys within the website.
Release dates for all 10 full length videos will be in September 2021, scheduled to post two per week, for 5 weeks.
Website management and upkeep on all statistical data
Budget Request Summary: $8,900 total
Website Development & Upkeep: $1,000
Survey Development and aggregation management: $500
Software (Sound/Transcription/Editing): $600
Hardware (Lighting/Camera/TP/Mic): $800
Service Fees (Web/Software/Sound/Membership): $400
Available funds for professional Services (Marketing/Graphic Artist/Advanced Editing): $3,200
$15/hr x 16hrs/video x 10 videos: $2,400
The budget identified in this fund will cover the anticipated cost of the resources needed to produce ten videos in the series, provide sufficient timely KPI aggregation that can be evaluated in progress through future funding opportunities and establishment of social media promotion and sites.
What does the FUTURE road map potential look like for KEWW after video series release:
~Creation of [KEWW] Stake Pool as a result of effort provided by the series contribution (This is currently shaping up to be an investment out of pocket in the present tense.) With the marketing push generated by this effort, it may allow for enough SPO revenue to generate cash flow to perpetuate future videos based on demand and changing technology and Cardano road map phases
~Creation of "Cardano Project Catalyst with KEWW" Tokens on Cardano. These produced tokens can aid in marketing and tracking of interest flow through Project Catalyst. Issued to random viewers, contributors or survey participants
~Creation of step by step video outlining proposal creation.
~When available – Creation of KEWW Digital and Physical NFT Artwork on Cardano – using a Project Catalyst Funded Team on Cardano
~When available – Creation of smart contract guided by Project Catalyst Funded Team
~Potential SWAG opportunities – Utilize Project Catalyst Funded Teams
~Monetized profits from YT, SWAG, Stake Pool and KEWW NFT's to roll back into the Stake Pool itself and pay for continued ~team support
Current Miro Board Mind Map for Web and Business Plan Development
Cardano Citizen and I had a nice hour long plus, uninterrupted conversation, about all things life. Around the 48 minute mark we bear down on this proposal and narrative on how we see thing grow in the future. Exposing all, this is who I am. Enjoy and experience two entry level guys collaborate and answering Dallas' buy line, "What can we grow together" I will admit, it took me a few minutes to warm up to the mic and sort my thoughts, but the conversation ramps up towards the end.
"KEWW Catalyst Project" YouTube Channel - Currently Publishing "Elevator Pitch" series as proof of work, platform options to other proposers, equipment tuning, networking, initiation of KEWW "brand" and overall foundation growth to ensure accurate time and material estimated for Fund Request
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Fire Chief, Father, Project Manager, Instructor, Training Video Producer, Artist, Investor, YouTube Elevator Pitch Video Series Guy