Last updated 3 years ago
It takes resources to maintain and moderate a large Discord channel
Integrate a bot into Discord what helps users govern ourselves
This is the total amount allocated to PCDiscord - Bot to Assign Roles.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Integrate a bot into Discord what helps users govern ourselves
Project Manager, Discord moderator. Passionate about the project.
This is a mini-proposal.
The budgets for mini-proposal are around 3000 ADA each.
Mini-proposal can be executed with a full working week to get the work done.
This proposal will be executed once all these roles have aligned/collaborated.
Project Manager - Creates a team and leads the vision
Developer - Writes the scripts to implement the Feature and integrates it with Discord API
Engineer / Architect - Sets up and maintains the infrastructure
Analyst - Creates documentation to get executed on the proposal and created development tasks
Marketer / Community Advisor - Designs user guides
Every week around 100 people join the server.
This bot feature will help moderators to organize and maintain community.
I would feel very happy if half of the new users are able to choose a role themselves instead of requesting it from community moderators.
KPI - we are going to measure:
Users join Discord because are looking for collaboration.
We will be measuring how many new users ask for a role for themselves.
Right now around 3 people per week ask for roles.
I expect at least 50% of new people who join Discord will assign a role by themselves.
Components required - estimated hours (total 23 hours)
1. Local server to host the bot - 6h
2. Script which reads the user-written input - 2h
3. Script which writes messages to the channel - 2h
4. Script what recognizes if emojis are added to messages - 2h
5. Function to recognize the commands - 1h
6. function to recognize user current roles - 1h
7. function to recognize what emoji was added or removed - 2h
8. User guide how the feature works - 4h
9. function to assign emoji's to message - 1h
10. function to remove a role from the user - 1h
11. function to assign a role to the user - 1h
All these project elements are open source
Project Manager, Discord moderator. Passionate about the project.