Last updated 3 years ago
University students are the future of blockchain tech but they aren't fully engaged in the Project Catalyst program.
Diversify project catalyst inclusion through onboarding, navigation events, and resource provision for university students in West Africa
This is the total amount allocated to WADA Uni Students Catalyst Registry.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Diversify project catalyst inclusion through onboarding, navigation events, and resource provision for university students in West Africa
Team: Education, Community Outreach & Engagement. BEN Partnership
Purpose of this Proposal/Address Challenge Question
WADA (West Africa Decentralized Alliance) is requesting 11K USD to leverage its partnership with the Blockchain Education Network (BEN) to reach and integrate at least 200 French and English speaking West African Students into Project Catalyst within 6 months. This will enrich Catalyst participation by diversifying inclusion to a key Cardano target market.
Experience & Tools:
Our team has extensive experience in coordination, delivering training, creating educational material, and hosting online events. BEN brings 7 years of expertise organizing blockchain education in universities all over the world
Marketing Strategy:
Target Outcomes (Estimates):
What Success Looks Like:
Reaching bright English and French speaking students from within West Africa and the wider Diaspora. Teaching them about Project Catalyst and assisting them in the process of engaging, becoming Community Advisors and submitting high-impact Catalyst Proposals.
Key metrics to measure:
Risk Management
We will work within our overall Risk Framework as out lined here:
Proposing Team:
Launch Date
June1 2021 (WADA pre-funding)
Affiliated Proposals:
11000Team: Education, Community Outreach & Engagement. BEN Partnership