Last updated a year ago
DeFi DApps require a web wallet to interact with (like Metamask)
A Chrome extension connector (similar to Metamask) that will enable communication between wallets and DApps.
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Connector (Metamask-like).
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
A Chrome extension connector (similar to Metamask) that will enable communication between wallets and DApps.
The team has vast experience with Cardano and already has developed a connector between Yoroi and Ergo.
Interacting with the Cardano Blockchain from websites is currently very limited and entails the error ridden process of copy and pasting addresses and values.
To address this, we plan to develop a method for connecting dApps to browser-based Cardano wallets (such as Yoroi). This is useful not just for smart contract support, but would also allow for use cases today such as stake pools having a "click here to delegate to me" button, logging into websites using your Cardano identity, or even create web-based games which utilize NFTs as avatars.
The team has vast experience with Cardano and already has developed a connector between Yoroi and Ergo.