Last updated 3 years ago
CNFT collectibles have seen a wide success in the Cardano community but although the appeal, they can not yet be implemented in games.
We aim to address the lack of proper games with the development of a CNFT-based RPG game, where you can fight, collect and play with CNFTs.
This is the total amount allocated to CardanoTales: CNFTs-based RPG game..
We aim to address the lack of proper games with the development of a CNFT-based RPG game, where you can fight, collect and play with CNFTs.
Our experienced team (computer engineer&SPO operator; physicist&game designer; pixel artist&art director) released indie RPG games earlier.
CardanoTales' setting rolls out on a labyrinth of caves where you may encounter foes, other players, creepy monsters. The Role Player Game allows players to meet different classic fantasy races (e.g. elves, dwarfs, mages, knights and more) and original featured ones in their adventure to collect treasuries and rare items, tokenized as CNFTs, which can be reclaimed with in-game activities and fights. Those CNFTs will be implemented as exploitable items for different goals: fight other players (weapons, sorceries) or better exploration of the Game Universe (e.g. Maps, Compass, Drivable Machines).
We will develop the game with the help of a Javascript based editor. The game will run in a web browser and there will be both a single player and a multiplayer section. As of today, we decided to split the project in 2 phases: phase one will be focused on the single player campaign (we will firstly release a demo part of maybe around 1-3 hour total gameplay) where you can explore the world, the characters, some enemies and where you can find, mint and farm items, weapons and sorceries; in phase two we are considering implementing a multiplayer PvP (player vs player) experience, where you will match players on the internet and fight with assets you've been collecting by chance, by pre-sale or by hard farming work / game sidequest accomplishments during your single player game. Ideally we will release the game on our website
Assets in the game will be tokenized but in order to run battles based on blockchain transactions and wallet clashes we will need smart contracts. During phase one, pre-smart contracts, battles will be implemented off-chain. The engine used to implement the game will be extended to support rewards in the form of drops etc. More details will be possibly shared closer to the release time. Once smart contracts will be made available, we will incrementally migrate the battle experience from off-chain to on-chain. With the smart contracts we do expect a smoother and richer user experience. For the on-chain battles we plan to run a few trials on testnet. From a technical point of view, we are aiming to use the Yoroi apis to integrate with the game.
Our game, for what we know today, has no similar projects to be compared to: our RPG game will be the first Blockchain-hybrid RPG game built on Cardano. We could dare to compare our game to some previously (partially) released on Ethereum-based games, such as Axie Infinity or The Six Dragons but, differently from those ones, our plan in the long term is to fully implement the battle system itself on-chain.
All the funds will be deployed for game development in phase one. They will be covering copyrights and legal costs as well as paying a third party company to compose custom soundtracks. Remanents will be used to pay developers costs and testing costs.
In the finalization stage of Fund5 we have added weblink to pre-minted tokens for the 4 main Characters of Season 0, showing how characters are shaping up, with their idle animation, as well as our technical ability to mint regularly CNFT for the game (here following):
This project will be considered successful with a release of 1h lenght single player campaign demo within 3 months from voting / funding date, then following with on chain trial fight available within 6 months timeframe and ultimately with full operative on-chain arena PvP within no more than 12 months. We would anway expect to have released already multiple Chapters (or "Seasons") of the single player campaign by that ultimate deadline.
Current roadmap for game development is listed as follows:
- Game concept and mechanics design -> ready
- Sketches + animations of main characters -> ready
- Main structure of settings and game mechanics -> ready
- Single player campaign Battle System -> ready
- Late spring 2021 -> game related CNFTs mint --> started
Work in progress
- PvP multiplayer Battle system -> theorized, to be tested during Alonzo Testnet
- Summer 2021 -> distribution of common assets and characters + Game Demo launch
- Sept-Oct 2021 -> Game launches for single player campaign (Season 1)
- Holidays 2021/Early 2022 -> The game is fully operative with multiplayer PvP
Main references for the project:
- Twitter official account:
- Website: (live from May 2021)
Our experienced team (computer engineer&SPO operator; physicist&game designer; pixel artist&art director) released indie RPG games earlier.