Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano is seeking Social DApps that will grow it's user base at scale and offer features like DeFi , NFTs, monetization, and data control. combines a powerful social DeFi, NFT enabled, monetized platform that will attract millions of new users to Cardano at scale.
This is the total amount allocated to Integrate onto Cardano. combines a powerful social DeFi, NFT enabled, monetized platform that will attract millions of new users to Cardano at scale.
SoMee is live at and Beta.SoMee.Social. Bitboy:
We plan to meet with Cardano's IOG engineering team to map out the full technical integration, but until then will detail as closely as possible our preliminary estimates below.
Please note: SoMee has been building software for a number of years under our parent Corporation, OneName Global, Inc. and currently about to launch our newest and most exciting version of our software that is currently being tested at The code itself uses React Native and receives an A+ rating, so extremely high quality UI/UX that will be integrated onto Cardano for maximum success. The following estimations reflect a realistic assessment based on our years of experience.
Here are our preliminary estimations for the integration:
1. UI/UX work will encompass all design elements of the integration, wallet, ERGO Oracle, Social DeFi, Social NFT. We plan to have two senior UI/UX team members do this for an estimated cost of $7K-$10K for the entire integration flow.
2. Investigate custom post objects on Cardano's blockchain, then code and create protocol to allow for ingestion of custom post objects from the SoMee Application - We will require at least one Data Scientist, and one SR Blockchain Developer for an estimated cost of $60-$75K.
3. Investigate custom earnings object on Cardano's blockchain, then code and interface with the custom post objects algorithm to allow for the unique earnings to be applied for each given post - We will utilize at least one data scientist and one SR blockchain developer, estimated cost $60K-$75K
4. Investigate our DeFi "Crypto Expressions" feature that will be utilizing and interfacing with Cardano's DeFi Ergo protocol and code and develop the full interface from SoMee, which will allow us to store custom expressions between the Cardano blockchain, Ergo DeFi Oracle and allow for unique transactions for each expression mapped back to the dedicated post. We will require one Data Scientist, at least one SR Blockchain Developer, and one Mid Level Developer for an estimated cost of $120K
Total baseline estimate is $247,000 with the top end cost estimated at $280K with a potential overflow margin of 11%, for a potential total low end/high end cost of $274,170 - $310,800.
We are asking for the Cardano community to VOTE to APPROVE $150,000 for Fund5, which will give us the budget to begin the baseline implementation.
Once the integration is complete we will launch a full marketing campaign that includes world renowned Advertising legend, Mr. Allen Kay ( ) who who ushered in the age of Super Bowl commercials when he created the famous XEROX MONK and XEROX FOOTBALL campaigns and took Xerox from a $50M dollar company to a $5Billion dollar company! The campaign will also include major (Main stream) celebrities and social media influencers that have already been signing up to promote our launch event and will soon be announced.
See attached feature slides for Social DeFi that we expect will bring a massive audience to Cardano with this revolutionary feature and Social NFT that will also bring a new, exciting element to Cardano's NFT marketplace.
Also attached is our team deck and you will notice that two of our adviors are the biggest crypto Youtube channels for Crypto Crow and Bitboy. Also two massive hodlers of ADA and long time supporters of Cardano.
Thank you for your support and for voting for SoMee to integrate onto Cardano. We are ready to move fast with precision for a successful implementation. If you want to see what we already built check out the https://beta.SoMee.Social platform which will open for everyone mid April. The site will have all feature integrations by May/June 2021 photos, short clips videos and streams that once combined with DeFi, NFT, Ad-Share, and Content Monetization on Cardano will be (We believe) the "killer app" for the blockchain. By voting for us you will help us bring this revolutionary platform that has been a culmination of years of development onto Cardano.
Find us on all social media:
SoMee is live at and Beta.SoMee.Social. Bitboy: