Last updated 3 years ago
Political parties represent the people without really knowing much about the people. How can parties collect and use info about the people?
We will build a poll dapp that gathers the political preferences and wishes of people. Parties can use the data to represent people better.
This is the total amount allocated to Prsona: Dapp for political personas.
We will build a poll dapp that gathers the political preferences and wishes of people. Parties can use the data to represent people better.
Marketing professional @ Greenchoice (
Project Manager. Business Consultant. Team Leader. Account Manager. Coach.
Prsona dapp
The goal is to build a dapp that can be used by the people to form a digital counterpart of their political selves and for political parties to know more about the people.
Polldr is a starting political party in the Netherlands. The Polldr party will be one of the first parties to use the Prsona dapp. We will use it to form the Polldr party and to guide the party with the representation of the people. The app will be decentralized, open source, modular build and focused on politics so that other political parties can use it too.
Why do we need the Prsona dapp?
There are ways to gather data from people, but there is no application using blockchain or a DLT at this moment. I don't know (d)apps where one can build/form their own political persona and provide the info to political parties so they can represent us better. A political persona can represent you - as a voter - in a digital world. This persona consists of all your political preferences like your voting history, favorite parties, poll history and other information you have submitted or received.
Focus on releasing an MVP in 6 months. We start by collecting simple personal data and answers to simple queries about certain political preferences or views. By asking questions, creating quizzes, conducting polls and collecting more relevant information on a regular basis, a decentralized political persona can be build over time.
Identity: Non-verified identities to begin with (Atala Prism?);
Personal data: Basic info;
Addresses: Cardano addresses can be added/connected to an identity;
Poll data: Overview of polls (open/close) and your answers;
Political landscape: You can follow, like and dislike other political parties in the app;
Membership: Subscribe to a political party and pay them membership fees trough a smart contract;
Avatar: Build a digital representation of your political self:
Tokens: Payment in ADA or tokens created by political parties;
Fiat: Fiat gateway to attract non-crypto users.
Your Prsona NFT: Forming a complete political persona takes time but we want to make it a 'fun' and gamified experience. Personas can have a customizable appearance to act as an avatar. Eventually a digital representation of your political persona can be minted on a Cardano NFT. You could share and sell copies of your avatars with attributes corresponding to your political preferences, lifestyle and other relevant gadgets.
What can a political party do with the Prsona dapp?
Strategy: A political party can use the personas to form and evaluate the party's point of views and their short and long term plans. A complete strategy can be build or updated using Prsona data;
Participation: In the Netherlands there are regular voting rounds in the 'second chamber' (House of Representatives) about a variety of subjects. With the Prsona dapp, direct participation becomes possible. Polls can be send out to the people to see how they would vote on certain matters. A political party can then choose which strategy to follow or actions to take to represent their supporters accordingly;
Membership fees: In the Netherlands, political parties are registered in the chamber of commerce as 'associations' and membership fees form a large part of the income source. A (recurring) payment option from within the Prsona dapp could provide the ability to bring in funds via members;
Benchmark: Eventually the goal is to open up (or copy) the dapp for other political parties in the Netherlands and also for parties around the world. Each party needs to have it's own userbase with paid / free accounts and it's own allocation of membership funds. With more parties using the app there can be benchmarking among parties.
Potential users
Parties in the Netherlands: In the Netherlands, a political party needs around 67,000 votes in the national elections to take place in the House of Representatives with 1 seat (150 seats in total). Here you can find the average members of the big political parties in the Netherlands: Polldr aims to participate in the elections of 2025 and the goal is to have 25,000 paying members by 2023.
If other Dutch parties would use the app the potential paying members could reach 75,000 by 2023.
Parties in the world: It is hard to say how much political parties would use or further develop the Prsona dapp. Each new party would bring in new users to the platform. Estimate > 500.000 users
Prsona users: The goal for the Prsona dapp users (unique identities) in the Netherlands is 50.000 to 150.000 users by the end of 2022. The goal for total users of the Prsona dapp is 300.000 to 500.000 active users worldwide by the end of 2022.
1-3 months: Complete ideation and design. Compliancy. Branding ready. Website live.
3-6 months: Basic user profile functionality. Connect social media accounts. Basic political party registration. Political parties overview. Subscribe to, like, dislike and bookmark political parties. Subscriptions to parties payed in ADA.
6-12 months and beyond: Advanced user profile. Manually define your own political standpoint. Avatar generation. Prsona avatar NFT generator. Push notifications. Basic polls and questionnaires. Subscriptions to parties payed in ADA/FIAT. Data visualization (graphs and statistics). Political party entry fee payed in ADA/FIAT. Dashboard with user Prsonas for political parties. iDin identity verification ( EUR payments ( FIAT payments (
Phase 1 (fund 5): $16,500
Ideation and design process
Complete design ready
Wireframes done
Extended roadmap ready
Legal and compliancy checks
Branding done
Website live
Phase 2 (fund 6 or 7): $30.000
MVP development
Alpha launch
Phase 3 (fund 7 or 8): $30.000
Beta launch
RC / Release
Costs for Fund 5 / Phase 1: $16,500
Total costs for the Prsona dapp (phase 1, 2 and 3)
Dapp Development: $72,250
Ideation, complete design, wireframes, final roadmap: $12,250
MVP development: $30,000
Release: $30,000
Potential developers: or
Web hosting and domain: $250
Domain: $16 per year (
Hosting core: $120 per year (
Hosting pro: $216 per year (
Marketing: $2,000
Branding: $500
Google ads: $1,000
Campaign: $500
Legal: $500
GDPR: Advice on GDPR implementation (
Other / unexpected costs: $1,000
=== ===
Total: $76,500
\> For fund 5 / Phase 1: $16,500
Marketing professional @ Greenchoice (
Project Manager. Business Consultant. Team Leader. Account Manager. Coach.