Last updated 3 years ago
Apps like Uber, Doordash and others take advantage of independent contractors under the false promise that you can "be your own boss".
Youbiquitor allows contractors to customize their business profile, personalize fee structures and offer various types of services.
This is the total amount allocated to Youbiquitor Dapp for gig workers.
Youbiquitor allows contractors to customize their business profile, personalize fee structures and offer various types of services.
Entrepreneur, co-founded non-profit at age 18. 6+ years online marketing and sales. 14+ years unique experience in relevant industries.
When COVID-19 forced many to seize operations and stay home, local economies took the biggest hit and large corporations were able expand their sphere of influence and rake in billions in a predatory way. For example, apps like Grubhub and Postmates take advantage of the desperate independent contractors, businesses and consumers who had limited options in such an unprecedented time. These apps offer their couriers insulting wages, making them dependent on tips from generous customers. They misrepresent businesses by marking up store items and keeping the profits. They charge consumers exorbitant fees which often results in lower tips for the couriers. Inefficiencies with in-app functionality leads to frustrations for all and loss of revenue for small businesses and contractors. Additionally, having the model of a corporate middleman has opened up opportunities for various scams and fraud which often hurt the small businesses, couriers and customers the most. Ultimately, the gig economy is rigged in favor of big businesses that profit largely off of small businesses desperate for more revenue, and the deceptive wage structure they use to compensate independent contractors. Of the apps that dominate the gig economy none of them is truly successful in empowering people to be their own boss. With many artists, musicians and other creatives left without regular job opportunities due to the pandemic, choices are limited and many are forced out of their industries in order to make ends meet.
Our solution
By creating a live and interactive, decentralized, user-operated platform, Youbiquitor will offer businesses and freelancers the freedom to manage themselves through the app and negotiate agreeable rates for goods and services that meet their respective requirements and truly represent their value. Through the Youbiquitor platform, independent contractors and self employed can offer any number of services to their local market and be seen by everyone who searches those services in the app. Companies too can customize their vendor profile and have a direct connection with their customers and carriers. As well, businesses can add their favorite carriers to a priority list for deliveries and keep using the most reliable carriers in their area. By connecting the customer directly with the business we also avoid many issues common to other platforms and minimize the potential for scams that often target businesses and contractors. Our fee structure is designed to be the most affordable. We eliminate monthly fees for businesses and don't mark up menu items or sneak in ambiguous surcharges. Our "fair fare" structure is a single 4-10% transaction fee that is broken up between all parties in the transaction. Our mission is to continue to make these services more affordable and accessible as the technology to do so develops.
Target market
The target market for Youbiquitor is massive and growing. Our initial target market is over 200M North American digital consumers, over 300,000 businesses and the millions of self employed independent contractors that currently make up the gig economy. Over our 6 year development and deployment stage we will be expanding our operations to include all industries that can benefit from a comprehensive, user driven platform.
Marketing strategy
Youbiquitor will communicate with potential users and supporters with an email newsletter, Youtube live QnA's updates and interviews, targeted Google and Facebook ads, social media, influencer and celebrity endorsements and in person at conventions and conferences. We will also roll out an ambassador campaign. Street teams will offer in person demos and be rewarded for onboarding individuals and businesses.
As Youbiquitor develops, there will be many features that will be added to include services for industries that are not supported on other platforms.
Youbiquitor is seeking developers and marketing experts who want to create a thoughtfully designed application to revolutionize local commerce.
Entrepreneur, co-founded non-profit at age 18. 6+ years online marketing and sales. 14+ years unique experience in relevant industries.