"Cardano Marketplace is building a freelance exchange by connecting IBO's & DEF's across Cardano as a Multi-Vendor Marketplace."
Core team-60+ years of combined computer science and product adoption exp. FSD, national product launch for fortune 100 companies, R&D.
Identifying information about proposer: John Frank Romano jr. | johnfrankromanojr@gmail.com | 38 | New Orleans Native | Technology Entrepreneur | God | Family | Life
Budget Requirement Breakdown:
- 20k - Marketing
- Blogging
- Social Media
- Backlinking
- Creative Content
- Giveaways
- 5k - Research and Development
- Public Opinion Surveys
- Product Adoption and Correlation
- Audience Sector Organization
- 25k - Website Development
- Front end UX
- Backend Development
- Crypto Payment Exchange
- NFT simple auction Development
- SSO Development
- 7.5k - Software and subscriptions
- software licensing
- server cost
- 7.5k - Facilities
- Electricity
- Water
- Office Rent
- Coffee :-)
- 10k - Product Advocacy
- Boots on the Ground Sales
We are public as of now with a fully functioning marketplace. We have been revamping our website and it should be out within the next week. Also, it will have crypto payments and auctions on the new one as well.
Success in 3 Months: 100 Defs. 200 orders completed.
Success in 6 Months: 400 Defs. 1,000 orders completed.
Success in 12 Months: 1,000 Defs. 5,000 orders completed.
While various fields are experimenting with blockchain technology, most blockchain use cases are designed to enhance payment or data storage. However, there is a need to make blockchain more involved in regular life, especially business life, for mass adoption. It is based on this need that the Cardano Marketplace (CM) has been initiated.
CM was created to create a marketplace and solutions for industries, businesses, and organizations (IBO), creative enthusiasts, blockchain entrepreneurs, freelancers, and developers. Cardano, a smart contract platform, offers more scalability and security through a layered architecture. Its approach is unique as it is built on scientific philosophy and peer-reviewed academic research.
We will provide our users with a personalized, rewarding, and secure experience for a better quality of life and quality of outcome. We are also developing revolutionary solutions for IBOs. Driven by a vast amount of research, a community of progressive business owners/founders, and software developers, we are passionate about transforming the business ecosystem through Cardano. Our core purpose is to promote business growth, reduce costs and pain, and continuously support businesses and developers.
Building a business is full of rewarding, challenging, and humbling experiences. For those with less knowledge and experience in their field, they are more likely to make naive and avoidable mistakes that will cost time and money. This can be disheartening. For the less technical people, they may become confused about all the services and software options out there designed to support business needs. This confusion can make them engage in the wrong choice a few times. The good news is that every business can now have access to an alternative option – a marketplace for business solutions. Everyone desires support at different points in life. It is based on this realization that the Cardano Marketplace (CM) has been created.
The internet has tremendously changed how we live and do business. It has opened the means of limitless communication and enhanced access to information. However, it failed, in a sense, in the aspect of our digital freedom. It expanded into a system of global intermediaries that manipulate private data and charge a percentage for every interaction. This further leads to a need for peer-to-peer communication, privacy, security, and digital money, which the blockchain was introduced to meet. Blockchain is here with better possibilities. It excludes an intermediary's role, bringing authenticity, identity, peer-to-peer communication, privacy, online trust, security, and synchronized ledger.
CM promotes the implementation of blockchain-based solutions and hopes to be a leading catalyst for facilitating a digital transformation. CM is an ambitious project dedicated to establishing a truly decentralized marketplace with blockchain support of very high scalability, high throughput, and high availability for industries, businesses, and organizations.
There has been an excess focus on the price of cryptocurrency tokens. However, not enough focus has been given to the nitty-gritty of Satoshi Nakamoto's original motive for the blockchain, which is to enable everyone to partake in the exchange of value and realize the power of the blockchain. We believe that blockchain technology can change lives for the better, and we are building a platform for inclusion. CM will be the vehicle to enable anyone to benefit from this technology with a direct initial focus on the IBO audience.
CM empowers everyone, no matter their goal or technical experience, to be able to utilize blockchain technology for their ideas, products, services, solutions, and projects. Our whitepaper presents the idea behind CM and the Cardano-based solutions we promote. In the current hype-driven blockchain landscape, CM acts as a beacon for individuals and entities interested in the application of the blockchain to reach their individual goals and change their lives. CM aspires to provide practical and real-world support for every business via a blockchain-based, all-encompassing set of business solutions that will diminish unnecessary learning curves that every business experiences. This way, we are helping businesses save time, money and accelerate growth like never before.
We hope to be at the forefront of technology that changes things for the good. If all of human history were recorded in a spreadsheet and centuries were columns, this would have to be the most progressive column to date. We want to be a significant part of the story regarding this column of history while manifesting positive change throughout. We are building a strong bridge between (A) the driving force of our economy in IBO's and (B) Developers, Entrepreneurs, and Freelancers (DEF), people who are, in fact, the ones engineering the motion of change within the catalyst of Cardano and blockchain itself.
Problem Statement:
IBO Adoption. Across the world, Industries, Small Businesses and Organizations, and a number of individuals and entities know what crypto is, barley. Most do not know how dapps, smart contracts, and a blockchain-type approach to their everyday needs are accessible. And rightfully so, they truly aren't in most regards. Limited by their knowledge & the scarcity of exposure towards simple blockchain solutions, most IBO's are not thinking about solutions when they first hear "BITCOIN" or "CRYPTO".
In addition, IBO's have been facing an ever-changing digital adoption regarding the 2020 pandemic. Staying ahead of the curve on digital business practices and needs is a priority. For instance, if there is a Dapp or Smart Contract that could replace a 5 step process, be more secure and save 15% on the transaction, why wouldn't that IBO take advantage of it? Nevertheless, no single platform provides an exchange of solutions catered to IBO's or DEFs. Also, this can include basic individuals that need simple or complex solutions.
Many IBO's still rely on traditionally architected financial legacy systems, solutions, and services. Each solution and its services may face certain issues, such as censorship, failure, hacking, monopolistic pricing, seizure, and others. The world of business needs a more secure and reliable form of solutions through blockchain.
Lastly, within the blockchain economy, to develop a truly blockchain-based application, you would likely need to pay for the service of an expert blockchain developer. Aside from that, you will need to set up and secure the servers, sync the nodes, look for a reliable library, and integrate each blockchain protocol individually. All these will likely lead to substantial development costs. CM is here to address this ease of use and adoption within Cardano-based solutions and DEF's.
A Blockchain-Driven Solution
Our idea is to bring "BUYERS" (IBO's) and "SELLERS" (Developers, Entrepreneurs & Freelancers) to a meeting ground where solutions and services are widespread and endless. We believe that Cardano blockchain solutions will improve the quality of outcome for IBO's, and we will leverage that to provide a reliable online multi-vendor marketplace with solutions to our buyers. The marketplace will be a central place to find and search for solutions that are pre-made by sellers or requested from buyers.
PROVE IT! It is our core responsibility to outwardly market Cardano Marketplace solutions to buyers (IBO's) so that sellers can have confidence in the time investment in the platform. This will be done through simple and redundant education propelled by targeted marketing. Furthermore, we cannot market to an IBO audience without the services first from the DEF. This is why we will be a seller in the beginning. We will develop and market our services and solutions to IBO's and provide solutions for them directly. We will PROVE the marketplace to gain traction.
The Cardano Marketplace (CM) will promote engineering blockchain-driven solutions that would make the blockchain a part of everyday life and business. We will directly break through the challenges faced by many companies interested in blockchain integrations after our marketing and advocacy efforts. Through our marketplace, we are offering opportunities to DEF and IBOs. IBO's will have new opportunities to build stronger digital relationships and solution-based uses with their customers through their smartphones, digital devices, and day-to-day uses for typical transactions and activities. We want to help IBOs leverage blockchain technology innovations to offer secure, fast, and more convenient digital services to consumers or solutions for their internal needs. As a result, advanced services can be more readily available to everyone. The creation and expansion of blockchain-based solutions create opportunities to provide innovative services that most institutions cannot offer. Emerging blockchain solutions provide a variety of opportunities to enhance traditional systems, global commerce, technology, and the world. From transparency to privacy, from control to convenience, from inclusion to security, blockchain technologies are beginning to disrupt the world. We are leveraging this to make a difference in the world.
Cardano Marketplace:
The Cardano Marketplace (CM) will solve problems in industries, businesses, and organizations (IBOs), and we will solve them by promoting technological development within and from without the Cardano network of interoperability protocol and by our in-house development team (IHDT). We aim to be a "boots on the ground" (BOTG) operation & interact with IBOs to find their small or big problems and then provide them with a solution with direct adaptability to the Cardano Ecosystem at our beginning phases. We aim to make things extremely simple for the organization or business owners when first understanding blockchain & Cardano during initial adoption and education.
We plan on tackling a few industries and small businesses at the beginning as we have already arrived at an optimal consensus of the needs that face certain IBOs from our research. We have done extensive research even before coming into this idea of a marketplace built for solutions. There are many ways to find a true consensus on solutions within businesses facing "quality of life" (QOL) and operation problems. We plan to be very diverse in our research and use many channels to do so. The first would be the day-to-day face-to-face interactions with IBOs. The products that will be produced would be generally related to either an industry or a solution.
Besides developing our strategy around what we find within an IBO, we also want to be the bridge that connects existing solutions. We want to accomplish this within Cardano to other businesses that directly relate to the solutions we have solved with our own IHDT, or other DEF outside have found and have marketed within our ecosystem.
Business solutions will be developed inside of our Cardano Marketplace like a "Store." We are offering an effortless and highly interactive ecosystem where solutions are widespread, and IBOs that are not tech-savvy and don't know where to look can find a simple way to find their needs met and have a place for DEF having great solutions and services. We will also be targeting specific app development businesses with solution-providing technologies that can interact with companies, work within and make things simple for everyone on the Cardano Marketplace.
Through our IHDT we want to provide, solutions for the IBOs that we know through our research and consensus' formed technologies and applications that help better their (1) Bottom Line (2) Quality Of Outcome (3) Quality Of Life (4) Quality Of Business. Also, we want to provide other DEF, DEF teams, and tech organizations that align with our focus to improve (1) Bottom Line (2) Quality Of Outcome (3) Quality Of Life (4) Quality Of Business, etc., a platform of bridges that do precisely what we are trying to solve for IBOs—all the while making things simple, unique, and worth the time.