Last updated 3 years ago
Wow this is overwhelming! Where do start? How do I find collaborators? Navigate platform? What ideas are already presented? How am I doing?
This onboarding tool will establish member profile, orientation, Catalyst understanding and funnel common projects into working communities.
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Common Idea Funnel .
This onboarding tool will establish member profile, orientation, Catalyst understanding and funnel common projects into working communities.
I have spent the last 25 years motivating thousands of people to find success, working in high level Hospitality Management/Marketing/Sales.
Due to the sheer overwhelming number of projects that will be launched within the coming funding phases, the incoming class of developers could be intimidated and overwhelmed at where to begin.
Classifying projects into communities, Catalyst could clean up the massive volume of initiatives and create common theme groups.(Finance, NFT, Community Development/Non Profit, Education,Sales and Distribution, Gaming, Web Development, Health and Fitness, Art and Culture ) This process could be located at the top of our Development Funnel working as a landing page for new developers. I think the process of working thru the proposed stages the proposer would have the entire process completed for them by the end of stage 3.
Stage 1. Awareness and Classification
This process would build a "resume" for the developer that's tracks them into a subset of common theme development. Giving the new developer awareness of a specific communitys ongoing and funded projects. At this point the proposer would figure out the Challenge problem statement and the solution statement.This would also lead the developer to working Discord, Get-hub, and Telegram groups of this common theme. A detail description of Catalyst Challenge and proposal guide would allow the developer a chance to start developing the idea into the Insight Proposal of the plan detail. This stage would also allow the details of a proposer to establish ones relevant experience and accent their personal accomplishments.
Stage 2. Interest from community (Insight stage)
By defining your idea initially in your insight phase you will be funneled into a community feedback that shares your idea theme. At this point all previous full proposals will be presented highlighting the funded projects common to the new presenter. Coupled with an orientation of all resources available within Catalyst. Within these groups the Mentor Program could thrive having incentives for taking on new presenters looking for advice and collaborations. I think its overwhelming and sometime not effective at this stage to receive feedback from all of Catalyst but more of a focused feedback from within the specific community.
Teamwork Makes The Dream Work.
Stage 3. Desire to improve idea/ Clearing obstacles of presenting full proposals
This stage will be the collective development of working communities feedback and collaborations to build a refine project proposal. Because the community is focused as peer review of your project the proposer will have specialized input from community professionals. The incentive to helping another prosper is that your community would be stronger by adding new potentially funded projects and build a stronger ecosystem for common ideas. This push could allow more future funding to added to the specific discipline. If a project is funded this project should have a responsibility to future projects as a role model with that common theme area. It would also find holes that other resources could be drawn to your project thru the collaboration of the community.
Stage 4. Catalyst Voting and Selection
With this stage the proposer will make it to the point they will start getting feedback from the entire Catalyst community. This feedback will have a more general criticism of if the proposed idea is good for running on the Cardano Blockchain and if the decentralized voting platform feels like it would receive funding. This would be a great time for the proposer to find the collaborations needed to help execute areas of the plan not within their own skill set.
Stage 5. Reapply/Retain Talent
This stage would be an avenue of recycling the proposer into the next round of proposals to fine tune their project to be potentially selected for future funding. I feel like one of the major challenges is if not selected how do you not lose the energy and potential of great resources that do not make it. These developers need to be motivated in this stage to reapply and stay with the program. This would also be a great time to offer alternatives to proposing and introduce these people into the other options and parts of the Catalyst community. ie Community Advisors and Voting
When projecting funding and new phases of development projects are being determined by the" holes "in current groups working common themes could be much easier to determine. A decentralized voting system could internally be created to allocate future funds to the most active community. This can better appropriate to Catalyst where the resources should be spent and what areas could be pushed and increased. Having more specialized funding categories would naturally group common theme development. Adding potential new groups or splitting massive groups into sub-groups would be easier to determine where to activate. Within the current system of having all projects listed together it is virtually impossible what Catalyst should be encouraging more energy into. Having a lopsided platform with mostly all similar developers doesn't diversify Cardano to properly balance itself and create a well diverse global platform.
Simply put: Divide and Conquer
In the beginning we will use this to draw in new talent.
I have analyzed many different Conversion Funnel Platforms and many are formatted as sales platforms to draw consumers to a project. This outside conversion funnel model will be developed within this project to draw in the Ideas from social media platforms with the use of Conversion Funnels Problem Solving Contests. These Contests will solve Real World Problems within the aforementioned Catalyst groups of Common Ideas of these industries. These promotional contests will be the start of the funnel of bringing in outside projects by initially awarding a much smaller "Prize" of potentially 1000 ADA, the winner within a specific industry will compete to present a solution to solve the issues that plague that Community. This will narrow down the entry to viable projects to Catalyst and give huge exposure point to Cardano. At this point they are funneled into Catalyst and then they have the potential of gaining a much bigger funding after they formalize and present and also have an arena to develop the winning industry problem idea further.
Break down of funding
The funding that I am asking for will fund these "Problem Solving Contests" in the initial Conversion funnel and help to hire a Full Stack developer to help our Marketing and Content Development team finish building the project. I am currently the only person working this project but I will need to bring on at least one other front end developer to assist me with developing a step by step plan and sequence of design. Some of the funding will also pay for use of an established Conversation Funnel i.e Click Funnels or if possible developing our own.
I have spent the last 25 years motivating thousands of people to find success, working in high level Hospitality Management/Marketing/Sales.