Last updated 2 years ago
Can we take advantage of the no-code movement in order to grow the number of developers on Cardano with a no-barrier entry platform?
Develop a Cardano blockchain module for to allow anyone to create end-to-end apps that connect to smart contracts using no code
This is the total amount allocated to End-to-End No-code Cardano Apps.
Develop a Cardano blockchain module for to allow anyone to create end-to-end apps that connect to smart contracts using no code
10 yrs avg experience in software dev.
3 yrs in the no-code industry
1 year since we started developing the most complete no-code platform
Gartner predicts that by 2024, low-code application development will be responsible for more than 65% of application development activity. (
To achieve a truly exponential growth in number of developers, Cardano needs to take advantage of this no-code/low-code movement to allow anyone (so called citizen developers), not just experienced software engineers, to build end-to-end apps that connect to Cardano smart contracts.
While Marlowe with Blocky will allow Cardano developers to create contracts with no coding experience, this will not be enough as an enterprise application consists of many more connecting parts.
About us
We are building flycode, the most complete no-code platform and, while being long time Cardano fans, we think it might be the perfect way for our product to tackle blockchain integration, while also benefiting Cardano by combining our powerful no-code enterprise app creation tools with the Blocky extension of Marlowe for a truly end-to-end no-code experience. This no-barrier way of building apps connected to the blockchain will be a competitive advantage for Cardano.
We plan to launch towards the end of this year, and while being a comercial solution it will also have a free tier with enough features for most blockchain apps usage requirements. To be notified about our launch you can leave us your email on our website :)
Use Cases
An interesting example of an app that you will be able to build end-to-end with flycode would be a decentralised borrow and lending platform. In this use case the workflow would work like this:
1st Phase - first month after receiving funds:
2nd Phase - second month after receiving funds, no more than 3 months prior to our release (subject to change depending on Cardano releases)
3rd Phase - Release and maintenance - Launch planned for December 16th 2021, private beta bill be available earlier
*The presented budget only refers to the Cardano Blockchain Connector module of our no-code solution
1st Phase
2st Phase
3rd Phase
Key Objectives and Definition of Success
*If you're a blockchain enthusiast / developer / UI/UX Designer, you like our idea and you're interested in a collaboration please send me you're CV/portfolio at the contact information found on my GitHub account:
Thank you for considering our idea :)
25400NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
10 yrs avg experience in software dev.
3 yrs in the no-code industry
1 year since we started developing the most complete no-code platform