Last updated 3 years ago
Digital services for Intellectual Property are not available to Indigenous Communities, excluding them from fair and legal representation.
Bring in local developers on a journey to solve the IP problem among indigenous communities for them to earn more from their craft.
This is the total amount allocated to Indigenous Source Dev Tools +Events.
Bring in local developers on a journey to solve the IP problem among indigenous communities for them to earn more from their craft.
Experience in production of fashion collections and manufacturing processes. In Collab. with WADA for developer and on-site network support.
Purpose of Proposal/Addressing the Challenge Question
This is going to be a learning journey wherein we will challenge local developers to solve a problem of group intellectual identity and ownership with an end goal of providing a verifiable certification on the Cardano blockchain.
This is a rather complex issue we are looking to tackle and want to do so very carefully. Our end goal at Indigenous Source will be to create a platform where local communities are given visibility in the global market in a way that allows them to claim rights as a community to their intellectual property.
Specific example: We will work with local communities to document fabric weaving pattern and design specific practices on the Cardano blockchain in such a way that designers like Louis Vitton will have a specific way to legally and fairly lease the rights to that pattern and print the designs on their merchandise. This is the long term vision. First, we need to address the problem of identity and ownership, especially in this context where it is a cultural identity belonging to many people and also holding similarities amongst geographically similar areas.
Project Description
With the recent rollout of IOHK's Atala Prism in Ethiopia, we will build on this to create a developer ecosystem around the concept of group identity and ownership, focusing on the indigenous community context. This is especially relevant because solving this problem of ownership will give these groups a starting point to reclaim their rights to intellectual property in the form of creative arts where historically such things are often unfairly appropriated. Our goal will be to engage Developers and No-Code engineers around this complex and interesting topic.
Budget 3 month $46K
Roadmap for Indigenous Source (to be detailed once Ownership solution is more concrete)
Document Indigenous Craft -> Digitize with 3D artists and animators -> Certify with Cardano Native Token (Dev & legal team) -> Showcase on B2B/B2C web app (eg. sale of Kente fabric to Western buyer, Kente accredited as traditionally made and money goes back to the indigenous peoples via WADA community centers)
Implementation/ Success Indicators (3 months)
Create a roadmap specifically for Indigenous Source based on Identity & Ownership research and collaboration with WADA as laid out above.
Risk Management
Launch Date
Proposing Team
Experience in production of fashion collections and manufacturing processes. In Collab. with WADA for developer and on-site network support.