Last updated 3 years ago
Cardano (NFT*) Projects rely on IPFS to store asset data. IPFS does NOT guarantee storage. Most projects are at risk of losing that data.
Create a bridge from Cardano to Filecoin to ensure storage of tokens.
This is the total amount allocated to NFT Guaranteed Storage.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Create a bridge from Cardano to Filecoin to ensure storage of tokens.
Decades of software development experience creating web scale applications and running them.
6+ years of blockchain ops.
Create an very minimal, initial, MVP that will allow existing NFTs to migrate to using guaranteed storage (can be done without reminting since published IPFS objects can seamlessly be translated into filecoin objects). Operationally the system could rely on tech similar to the Oracle Pools theory since the complexity on the filecoin side is relatively small for this usecase. In future iterations we could evaluate if MBP or Rainbow are better protocols to operate the bridge.
Cost estimate
Create naive, centralized bridge (pretty much just a server app with db-sync and a filecoin wallet) - 90hrs
Implement a robust retreival solution based on Filecoin FPS and the Bridge for load balanced retreivals of the Filecoin Objects through the public IPFS network 40hrs
OUT OF SCOPE (future iterations)
Move Cardano facing interface to a smart contract (allowing also for more features) - 180hrs
Move Filecoin facing servers into an oracle pool incentivized on the Cardano side - 250hrs (plus 1k filecoin liquidity)
Cost Rate: 85âŹ/hr
Total cost phase 1:
Dev: 130 Ă 85 Ă 1.18 =13000$ (13039)
Fil Liquidity: 10 * 155 = 1550$
Will this project be open source?
Yes, this is not a business but a piece of open source infrastructure. PRs from the community are welcome once we are live.
Why not Sia, Arweave, etc?
There is a multitude of decentralized storage solutions out there. Only Filecoin can offer the developer ecosystem and the storage market needed to actually aid developers in building on top of this bridge (Powergate, FPS, etc). Also, in comparison to probabilistic solutions like arweave, Filecoin provides active guarantees about storage and retrievabillity of the data and offers self healing out of the box.
Edit log:
1. 2021-04-21 Add FAQ and provide revised cost estimate
14550Decades of software development experience creating web scale applications and running them.
6+ years of blockchain ops.