Last updated 3 years ago
A detailed, step-by-step, and thorough guide with usable templates for off-chain computation using Plutus does not exist at this moment.
Create an amazing guide for off-chain computation in Plutus that has working templates and a step-by-step walk-through for creating dApps.
This is the total amount allocated to Step-by-Step Guide: Off-Chain Code.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Create an amazing guide for off-chain computation in Plutus that has working templates and a step-by-step walk-through for creating dApps.
Astrophysicist turned frontend and smart contract developer. Lead Developer for Logical Mechanism and contributor to the NFTDAO Marketplace.
A detailed, step-by-step, and thorough guide with usable templates for off-chain computation using Plutus.
Please read for a detailed explanation of the off-chain example:
This proposal will be written over the next three months while I attend the Plutus pioneer program. I want to contribute to the ecosystem with a very unique idea that will greatly help new developers looking for off-chain solutions using Plutus. The guide will be a great introduction to off-chain computations and a jumping-off point for developers using the templates in their own projects. It will be written for developers with some previous Haskell knowledge but little to no Plutus knowledge.
The goal of this proposal is to be the de facto guide and template for off-chain code written in Plutus.
Benefits to Cardano Ecosystem
The key benefit will be the amazing examples of smart contracts for off-chain computations. These examples can be used as a template or a guide to creating new applications in the ecosystem. The examples will be a combination of text, video, and images conveniently located in a GitBook space.
Astrophysicist turned frontend and smart contract developer. Lead Developer for Logical Mechanism and contributor to the NFTDAO Marketplace.