Last updated 3 years ago
How do we get developers to develop on Cardano?
Incentivized referral gaming. Creating a gaming system approachable to children. It looks like a game, but they are actually developing apps
This is the total amount allocated to The Game of Life.
Incentivized referral gaming. Creating a gaming system approachable to children. It looks like a game, but they are actually developing apps
I work in healthcare and have taught critical thinkers in the field.
Having a nephew who is 12, I know what Minecraft can be.
Building in virtual environments will be the future. Whey not make it into a game with rewards? Bring back the excitement to working? Make it a very social thing to do, like a dungeon dive with 20 of your best friends. Or how about learning how to cook, when what your are really doing is building something using components.
Budget 100,000
25000 ADA The repository (The vault that will hold the value for all the digital tokens created in the VR environment) to be payed to the creators (gamers) within the environment. (Similar to ENJIN)
75000 Creating the virtual game overlay and language (that can communicate with the different currencies and software) to the existing problems. Think of BLOCKS like in Tetris that represent problems. Shift these blocks around in virtual environments as a game. This virtual environment should be accessible on all platforms, however, being able to create and interact with the applications and build should be on Android or an new OS for mobile phones. This would mean hiring a team familiar with the different OSes and potential pitfalls.
Total Budget: 100,000
3 mos: Identify the number of people and resources need to build out and on this platform. Start the hiring and outsourcing.
6 mos: Have 1 game overlay working with 1 environment and a platform that we have 10 active builders or gamers on.
12. Mos. Have 1000 games running and 1,000 builders.
I work in healthcare and have taught critical thinkers in the field.
Having a nephew who is 12, I know what Minecraft can be.