Last updated 3 years ago
Developers want to contribute to projects but at the same time they want to be rewarded either by token of appreciation or recognition.
An extension on GitHub that allow any project owner to tokenised the PR (Pull request) and reward contributors with ADA.
This is the total amount allocated to Tokenizing GitHub Pull request.
An extension on GitHub that allow any project owner to tokenised the PR (Pull request) and reward contributors with ADA.
Developer, mostly working on Frontend (JavaScript, React, ReasonML)
Build a MVP Github extension which allow Github project owner to reward/incentivize the contributors, it can either be public or private repository, beside being rewarded for PR contributions, contributors can also choose to NFT each PR where it could also be used for their portfolio/resume if they are looking for jobs.
Why Cardano?
Cardano being low transaction fees, yet fast advantage create more opportunities for anyone want to contribute to any projects, the PR dosen't have to big enough to get rewarded, can can be small alignment, some text typo, the contributor still can get a small token of appreciation, this will give projects(on GitHub repo) with our extension a boost for community awareness, more developers will be more willing to contribute when they are incentivize.
Cardano will be the first BlockChain to NFT the GitHub PR, this will give boost of Block-chain real world use case.
How it can be done:
First phrase* will which is simplified in the attached Image, We need to build a simple GitHub extension which some action hooks, most works will still be done manually.
How funds will be distributed
Total: 12000
Each 2000/month/dev are distributed equally in each PR developers created the info should show as my description above, it's fully transparent and at the same time we are learning while we building this product.
Btw I am also looking for Backend and Frontend Dev, if you are interested to help out this project Ping me !
12000NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Developer, mostly working on Frontend (JavaScript, React, ReasonML)