Last updated 3 years ago
There are not enough Cardano blockchain developers to deliver on the tidal wave of work coming our way.
Support experienced developers to become experts in Cardano blockchain development.
This is the total amount allocated to Turning Devs into Blockchain Devs.
Support experienced developers to become experts in Cardano blockchain development.
Proven track record of onboarding new devs to the Cardano ecosystem by providing essential tools and opportunities to collaborate.
At Gimbalabs, we are pioneering the work of onboarding "experienced developers who are new to blockchain" to the Cardano ecosystem. In the last three months, we:
All of this we've done by asking developers to volunteer their time and energy in hopes of an eventual payoff. With this proposal, we seek the approval of the Catalyst Community to launch the next phase of our work by supporting four developers to commit full-time to Cardano development at the dawn of the Alonzo era.
This proposal addresses the Developer Ecosystem Challenge from two angles:
What is challenging about this work is that each of our concerns depends on another:
On top of this dynamic array of concerns, we recognize that talented developers are valuable and command high salaries wherever they choose to go. We already have the experience of onboarding two very talented developers who have been unable to stick around because they need the assurance the new full-time jobs they were offered while working with us. That's why we're writing this proposal. 100% of the budget of this proposal is for developers, and represents an investment in the long-term health of Gimbalabs and the Cardano developer community.
Once Catalyst Funds are distributed, the "Execution Phase" begins. Catalyst Fund 5 is special because when the execution phase starts in late June, the Plutus Testnet will be in full swing, and Cardano's Alonzo era will be weeks away. It is hard to overstate how much work is coming our way as the full functionality of Cardano goes online, and our global community needs more people who are prepared to do it. Our goal is to have a team in place before that happens, and we think that it's essential to build that team by growing the overall pool of Cardano developers.
--- For Example ---
In the current work of the "Gimbalabs Playground", we are diving into a series of development questions. One such question is, "How can we use metadata, native assets, smart contracts, and decentralized storage to create an event ticketing service?" As you can imagine, there are all sorts of smaller, focused questions that emerge from this big one. In the shared work of answering it, we are creating tools that will apply to a variety of use cases, and we are piloting several of those use cases. Even more importantly, we are building a community of experts who will be able to support others to use these tools. If funded, this proposal will directly support the growth of expertise in our community. We will continue to deliver the tools, accompanying documentation, and in-person opportunities to engage with our development team.
--- Summary ---
We will continue to build and refine the "Gimbalabs Playground" process for experiential, project-based learning into a product that will help organizations of all sizes to join us in the Alonzo era.
There's work to do, we have people to do it, and we'd like to pay them to do so. During the Refinement Phase, please let us know in the comments what else you'd want us to deliver, and we will incorporate that into these plans.
--- Budget ---
Total of $100,000 USD
$25,000 each for four developers to commit to 3 months of full-time development work.
--- Success Metrics ---
Proven track record of onboarding new devs to the Cardano ecosystem by providing essential tools and opportunities to collaborate.