Last updated 3 years ago
A central place for new and existing community members of Project Catalyst to find information, make connections, obtain guides.
Continue development a community driven Community Landing Page that links to the various material relating to Project Catalyst.
This is the total amount allocated to Community Page.
Continue development a community driven Community Landing Page that links to the various material relating to Project Catalyst.
Phil - Project lead (and front end developer), Micheal - Lead developer, Tevo - Team member of,
Executive Summary
Cardano Catalyst is a vibrant community. There are many communication channels and many discussions. It gets harder to understand and harder to get involved as it grows. We aim to develop and improve as the central place for new and existing community members of Project Catalyst, where they can find up-to-date information about the state of the project, important dates, guides, current projects and a range of tools developed by and for the community.
Sites Mission
The community landing page's mission is to create a hub of information that works to onboard new people, groups and organizations into Project Catalyst as well as a well of tools, resources and talking places to facilitate effective interactions with the project.
Development information
We have built an MVP version of the site. Fund 4 proposal is aimed at establishing the core processes with a bounty system and building basic design, content and structure.
As we are reminded every week, things may: break, lack documentation and differ greatly between iterations. Based on early experiences and requests from the community we want to enhance the site with more content and functionalities.
A dedicated steering team has built and implemented a functional prototype focused on the needs of the community the existing site can be found here:
If funding is successful in Fund 4 we will accelerate the work being done by further involving the community with issue identification using Github issue tracking initially. We will further develop our bounty system concept into a process that rewards those community members who solve issues by implementation code updates.
Further funding in Fund 5 will allow us to continue an accelerated pace of development to provide an outstanding tool.
The site is already fully operational and continually being developed.
The time frame of this proposal is three months. Future funding will be sort in future funding rounds to develop, experiment and maintain the site.
The roadmap of the development of the site forms a part of the issue tracking and is continually being updated. For the most up-to-date roadmap of the project please visit the milestones page on the github repo
Document Management: There is a need in the community to ensure that the most up-to-date documents are available to the community. We will create a dedicated 'librarian' role tasked to find, update, catalog community documents and information.
We will continue with the development and implementation of community driven development. Where the community can submit requests for fixes, features and content as well as the ability for community members to pick up bounty rewards for solving these issues.
Some key features we are looking at bringing to the site include:
A wiki site that will allow community driven content that can be maintained by the community
A focus a localization translations with at least 3 other languages. We have implemented the functionality to do so and have individuals who are able to translate into Arabic, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Bringing in support for trackable proposer milestone.
Implementing an automated FAQ
A system that facilitates payment of feature bounties
Jakob Dickhaut (sapereaude) has requested a weekly write up of Townhall which can be added as bounty each week. This might become an open bounty or could become a part of the community wiki.
Design costs: If funded we will engage a team of design experts that can help develop the user flow, UI elements and over all user experience. $3000
Librarian Costs: We are looking to fund this role for an experimental 3 months at $500 a week for a total of $6000
Bounties: $10000
Management Costs: $2000
Total Funds: $21000
The Team
We are a group of very active community advisors, Phil with experience in business and design. Phil's personal site is Phil is the project lead on developing the (site not built) and the crowdfunding test, and he is active in the development of the CA-tool,,) vCA-tool and Proposer tools.
We have all helped out with numerous proposals, assisted with the introduction of new CAs to the process and actively participate in governance development with assistance in creating CA Guidelines, Red & Yellow Thing community documents and other community proposals and documents.
Tevo Saks is a Project Manager - Creates a team and leads the vision, an Analyst - Creates documentation and assesses the process and acts as a Cardano Project Catalyst Community Advisor
Michael is a full stack developer with 15+ years of experience. Java, JS, ES, web, mobile, backend.
21000Phil - Project lead (and front end developer), Micheal - Lead developer, Tevo - Team member of,