Last updated 3 years ago
Obtaining funding through the existing Project Catalyst funding model is slow and overbearing. How can we explore options to make it faster?
Create a side treasure that explores different funding models. In this case, a co-funding model exploring funding for low cost proposals.
This is the total amount allocated to Co-participation fund:
Create a side treasure that explores different funding models. In this case, a co-funding model exploring funding for low cost proposals.
The proposer & developer of community landing page and info-graphics in Fund3. CAs/vCAs since Fund3/4. Proposers of Community Tools.
The current format of Project Catalyst has at least 12 week lag between submission of a proposal and potential funding. This is because there are many fail safe mechanisms in place to ensure the safety of the treasury. The disadvantage of this is that there is little ability for super fast flexible prototyping and funding of experimental ideas.
Proposed Solution
To solve this problem, we propose the creation of a side treasury to explore different funding models. The main idea is to create a faster mechanism to fund ideas/proposals than the current 12+ weeks cycle of Project Catalyst. is an opportunity for the community to explore alternative funding models that achieve the goal of funding either high risk or low cost proposals without the need for lengthy governance processes.
In its first iteration, will explore the concept of co-funding as a mechanism of voting. A number of proposals will have an opportunity to present an idea to the community with the offering of either a co-contribution system.
How it would work - Co-contribution
The desired funding would be set by the proposer, associated with a delivery deadline after funding is released. In this first experiment, a maximum of 500 ADA can be chosen as a target.
Once the target is reached, the side-treasury would release half of the total funding. After the proposal is finished and results are delivered, the other half is released to the proposer. If the proposer doesn't deliver the results in the informed deadline, the remaining fund comes back to the side-treasury.
Funds will be held in a publicly viewable wallet(s). Distributions will be publicly broadcast on the website and available by querying the blockchain.
Budget Breakdown
Mapped Risks
Future Ideas
The Team
We are two very active community advisors, Phil with experience in business and design. Phil's personal site is Phil is the project lead on developing the community landing page, and he and Vic are active in the development of the CA-tool (, vCA-tool ( and Proposer tools. We have helped out with numerous proposals, assisted with the introduction of new CAs to the process and actively participate in governance development with assistance in creating CA Guidelines, Red & Yellow Thing community documents.
7000The proposer & developer of community landing page and info-graphics in Fund3. CAs/vCAs since Fund3/4. Proposers of Community Tools.