Last updated 3 years ago
Obstacles prevent Fund Proposers from expressing themselves in the Cardano community and Community Advisors from reviewing proposals.
We are proposing making improvements to the IdeaScale platform will allow the Cardano community to make better decisions.
This is the total amount allocated to IdeaScale Improvements.
We are proposing making improvements to the IdeaScale platform will allow the Cardano community to make better decisions.
Over the last 11 years IdeaScale has served over 10,000 communities from large enterprises to SMBs.
IdeaScale would like to address a few concerns that the community has expressed.
Proposal Drafting
To aid in the drafting of proposals we will add additional markdown syntax support as well as WYSIWYG style editor. We've heard from multiple users their frustration with formatting proposals. We hope adding both markdown as well as an editor will ease those concerns.
Browsing Proposals
IdeaScale proposes adding a Compact View that will allow both voters and community advisors to browse a condensed list of submitted proposals. Compact View will include only essential elements such as Title, Campaign Name, Submitter, and Date. This will allow members to view more proposals per page. Additionally IdeaScale will mark all proposals that have been edited by the author with an Edited Label.
Community Advisors
To support the work of the Community Advisors, IdeaScale proposes the following changes:
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Over the last 11 years IdeaScale has served over 10,000 communities from large enterprises to SMBs.